适用于低功耗 Sitara™ 处理器的 AM62x 入门套件
SK-AM62-LP 是一款入门套件 (SK) 评估模块 (EVM),限量出售。
低功耗 AM62x 入门套件 (SK) 评估模块 (EVM) 是基于 AM62x 片上系统 (SoC) 构建的独立测试和开发平台。AM62x 处理器包含一个四核 64 位 Arm®-Cortex®-A53 微处理器、一个单核 Arm Cortex-R5F 微处理器 (MCU) 和一个 Arm Cortex-M4F MCU。
SK-AM62-LP 允许用户通过高清多媒体接口 (HDMI) [每英寸点数 (DPI)] 和低电压差分信号 (LVDS)(高达 2K 分辨率),以及使用串行、以太网、USB 等接口的行业通信解决方案来体验双显示功能。它具有强大的 Arm 性能(高达 1.4GHz 四核 A53)以及丰富的工业接口,可为可编程逻辑控制器 (PLC)、自动化控制或监测/监控系统等各种应用提供良好的控制和通信功能。
此外,SK-AM62-LP 可以与其他处理器或系统通信,并充当通信网关;还可直接用作连接工业通信网络的标准远程 I/O 系统或简单传感器。嵌入式仿真逻辑允许使用标准开发工具(例如 Code Composer Studio™ 集成式开发环境 (IDE) (CCSTUDIO))进行仿真和调试。
在定制电路板设计过程中,客户倾向于重复使用 SK 设计文件,并在此基础上进行设计调整。此外,客户也会重复使用一些常见实现方式,包括 SOC、存储器以及通信接口等。鉴于 SK 被寄予实现更多附加功能的厚望,客户会对 SK 实现进行优化调整,以满足自身电路板设计的要求。在对 SK 原理图进行优化时,会在定制设计中引入误差,这类误差可能导致功能、性能或可靠性方面的问题。优化过程中,如客户对 SK 实施存在疑惑,可能会导致设计错误。许多这类优化和设计错误在各种设计中很常见。 根据以往的经验教训和数据表中的引脚连接建议,我们在 SK 原理图的各部分附近添加了全面的设计要点 (D-Note:)、审核提示 (R-Note:) 和 CAD 注解 (Cad Note:),客户可以查看并遵循这些说明,以便更大限度减少设计中的错误。此外,设计文件下载包中还包含了一系列附加文件,以便更好地辅助客户的评估工作。
- 处理
- AM6254(AMC 封装),具有四核 Arm® Cortex®-A53
- 单核 Arm Cortex-M4F
- 显示
- 支持双显示,高达 2K 显示分辨率
- 一个双通道 LVDS
- 一个通过 RGB888 的 HDMI 连接器,带有音频编解码器 TLV320AIC3106
- 为 Wi-Fi® 和 Bluetooth® 模块提供 M.2 Key E 接口支持,四通道 MIPI CSI-2 摄像头连接器,两个千兆位以太网接口
- 连接方式
- 一个 Type-A USB 2.0
- 一个 Type-C 双角色设备 (DRD) USB 2.0(支持 USB 引导)
- 板载 XDS110 联合测试行动组 (JTAG) 仿真器
- 通过 USB 2.0 Type-B 实现四个通用异步收发器 (UART)
- 存储
- SK 上的可引导接口
- 可拆卸 microSD
- 四线串行外设接口 (QSPI)
- 以太网
- 软件
- TI Processor SDK Linux®
- RT-Linux
- Android™
- 开箱即用的演示,包括 Wi-Fi
- SK 设计文件
- 已更新设计文件部分中的可下载文件,Zip 文件夹包括以下文件夹:1_SCHEMATIC、2_BOM、3_Board_File、4_Gerber、5_Gerber_PDF、6_Assembly_Models_Package、7_PCB_LAYER_STACKUP、8_Power_Supply_Sequencing 以及其他子文件夹。
- USB-C 5V 至 15V 和 3A 电源和电缆
- MicroSD 卡
- 适用于 UART 串行通信的 USB micro-B 电缆
SK-AM62-LP — AM62x starter kit for low-power Sitara™ processors
MCU PLUS SDK Linux Installer
MCU PLUS SDK Windows Installer
基于 Arm 的处理器
MCU PLUS SDK online documentation
Performance measurement datasheet
Documentation only package
Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE)
TI ARM CLANG compiler
Tool to configure SOC pimux and MCU PLUS SDK driver parameters
Buildsheet of supported features
Thank you for your interest in the AM62x MCU PLUS Software Development Kit (SDK). This software accelerates application development schedules by eliminating the need to create basic system software functions from scratch.
- The SDK includes a real-time multitasking kernel, examples and drivers.
- The exact content of the SDK depends on the capabilities of the device, but all devices share common APIs and build on existing proven software components to ensure reliability and quality.
- The software components are fully tested to ensure that they work together with TI’s Code Composer Studio integrated development environment.
- SBL: Image authentication from DDR when in-place authentication fails from OSPI NOR
- SBL: Software version check with RPRC image format
- OSPI flash diagnostics application for custom flashes
- Asymmetric Multiprocessing support on Application cores (Cortex-A) with freeRTOS.
- Trusted Firmware - A based booting of Application cores (Cortex-A).
- New Drivers: Display(Cortex - A) and RTC (Cortex - A, R)
DDR-CONFIG-AM62 — DDR Configuration Tool
基于 Arm 的处理器
This tool is intended to simplify the process of configuring the DDR Subsystem Controller and PHY to interface with DRAM memory devices.
- fixed errata associated with CA VREF training range
- restricted some inputs for FSP1 and IO configurations
- removed parameter tDQSCKmin from DDR4. Not used
- added support for AM62Dx
基于 Arm 的处理器
Edge AI studio is a collection of tools aimed to accelerate the development of edge AI application on TI embedded devices.
Model analyzer, formerly known as TI edge AI cloud, is a free online service that allows you to evaluate accelerated deep learning inference on remotely accessed development boards. With Model analyzer it only takes minutes to login, deploy a model and obtain a variety of performance benchmarks.
Model composer (coming soon) is a tool for training, compiling and deploying models on a local development board.
PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-RT-AM62X — Processor SDK RT-Linux for AM62x
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x - RT-Linux Installer for sources, pre-built binaries and file system images generated using Yocto build environment
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x SIP - RT-Linux Installer for sources, pre-built binaries and file system images generated using Yocto build environment
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x Yocto - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62xx-LP Yocto - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x SIP Yocto - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x Jailhouse Hypervisor - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62xx-LP Jailhouse Hypervisor - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x Debian Trixie - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x SIP Debian Trixie - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x-LP Debian Trixie - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT AM62x Buildroot - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX RT Beagleplay Yocto - SD card image
Get access to latest bug fixes and feature enhancements with Yocto build environment
基于 Arm 的处理器
Quick Start Guide for the AM62x/AM62xSIP Starter Kit (SK) board
Quick Start Guide for the Beagleplay board
Learn how to build embedded systems using AM62x processors
Yocto SDK user manual for developers
Instructions to build RT Linux image using Yocto build environment
Debian SDK manual for developers with build instructions
Buildroot SDK manual for developers with build instructions
Get the various RT Linux Performance Benchmarks for this release
Software manifest for Yocto Linux RT - Processor SDK AM62x SIP
Software manifest for Yocto Linux RT - Processor SDK AM62x/AM62x LP/Beagleplay
Software manifest for Jailhouse Hypervisor RT - Processor SDK AM62x/AM62x LP
Software manifest for Debian Linux RT - Processor SDK AM62x/AM62x LP
Software manifest for Debian Linux RT - Processor SDK AM62xSIP
Software manifest for Buildroot Linux RT - Processor SDK AM62x
Build Sheet of supported features for AM62x/AM62LP/AM62SIP
Thank you for your interest in PROCESSOR SDK LINUX RT AM62X Software Development Kit (SDK). This SDK is a Linux-RT only package. The Processor SDK is a unified software platform for TI embedded processors providing easy setup and fast out-of-the-box access to benchmarks and demos. All releases of Processor SDK are consistent across TI’s broad portfolio, allowing developers to seamlessly reuse and develop software across devices.
This release adds support for High Security - Field Securable (HS-FS) devices. For more information, please see the Migration Guide.
TI Linux CI/CD Snapshot
In order to improve access to the very latest bug fixes and feature enhancements, TI is enabling Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) for AM62x processors. The patches for these changes have always been available on public repositories hosted on, and these source repositories could be built using the Yocto build environment on a daily basis. The new TI Linux CI/CD Snapshot makes it even easier to consume these changes with pre-built binaries of Linux boot images to try out on TI Evaluation Modules (EVMs and SKs) before migrating or picking the patches. A detailed test report is also published to help users understand the status of the build and features being validated. The Linux boot images from a snapshot can be regenerated using sources by following the build instructions provided on the snapshot page.
The daily snapshot is not a replacement for the official Processors SDK releases which have full documentation, training and support. The snapshot is a new easy way to try bug fixes and feature enhancements planned for the next SDK while enabling much more tighter integration with customizations and application development. This improved integration should allow users to release their customized code built on the SDKs more quickly and confidently.
- Linux embedded software support
- Long Term Stable (LTS) RT Kernel update to 6.6.58-rt45
- U-boot 2024.04 based bootloaders with pre-intergrated early splash screen
- Yocto scarthgap (LTS) based build environment and filesystem
- Debian distribution and pre-built deb packages based on Trixie
- Buildroot 2024.05.3 based build environment and filesystem for AM62x
- Snagfactory support on AM62x using Snagboot
- Jailhouse Hypervisor based on LTS RT Kernel 6.6.58-rt45
- Yocto scarthgap based SD card image for Beagleplay with TI baseline of LTS RT Kernel 6.6.58-rt45 & U-boot 2024.04
PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-AM62X — Processor SDK Linux for AM62x
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x - Linux Installer for sources, pre-built binaries and file system images generated using Yocto build environment
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x SIP - Linux Installer for sources, pre-built binaries and file system images generated using Yocto build environment
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x Yocto - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62LP Yocto - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x SIP Yocto - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x Jailhouse Hypervisor - Yocto based SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62LP Jailhouse Hypervisor - Yocto based SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x Debian Trixie - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x SIP Debian Trixie - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x-LP Debian Trixie - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX AM62x Buildroot - SD card image
Processor SDK LINUX Beagleplay Yocto - SD card image
Get access to latest bug fixes and feature enhancements with Yocto build environment
基于 Arm 的处理器
Quick Start Guide for the AM62x/AM62xSIP Starter Kit (SK) board
Quick Start Guide for the Beagleplay board
Learn how to build embedded Linux systems using AM62 processors
Yocto SDK user manual for developers
Instructions to build Linux image using Yocto build environment
Debian SDK manual for developers with build instructions
Buildroot SDK manual for developers with build instructions
Get the various Linux Performance Benchmarks for this release
Software manifest for Yocto Linux - Processor SDK AM62x SIP
Software manifest for Yocto Linux - Processor SDK AM62x/AM62x LP/Beagleplay
Software manifest for Jailhouse Hypervisor - Processor SDK AM62x/AM62x LP
Software manifest for Debian Linux - Processor SDK AM62x/AM62x LP
Software manifest for Debian Linux - Processor SDK AM62xSIP
Software manifest for Buildroot Linux - Processor SDK AM62x
Build Sheet of supported features for AM62x/AM62LP/AM62SIP
Thank you for your interest in PROCESSOR SDK LINUX AM62X Software Development Kit (SDK). This SDK is a Linux only package. The Processor SDK is a unified software platform for TI embedded processors providing easy setup and fast out-of-the-box access to benchmarks and demos. All releases of Processor SDK are consistent across TI’s broad portfolio, allowing developers to seamlessly reuse and develop software across devices.
This release adds support for High Security - Field Securable (HS-FS) devices. For more information, please see the Migration Guide.
TI Linux CI/CD Snapshot
In order to improve access to the very latest bug fixes and feature enhancements, TI is enabling Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) for AM62x processors. The patches for these changes have always been available on public repositories hosted on, and these source repositories could be built using the Yocto build environment on a daily basis. The new TI Linux CI/CD Snapshot makes it even easier to consume these changes with pre-built binaries of Linux boot images to try out on TI Evaluation Modules (EVMs and SKs) before migrating or picking the patches. A detailed test report is also published to help users understand the status of the build and features being validated. The Linux boot images from a snapshot can be regenerated using sources by following the build instructions provided on the snapshot page.
The daily snapshot is not a replacement for the official Processors SDK releases which have full documentation, training and support. The snapshot is a new easy way to try bug fixes and feature enhancements planned for the next SDK while enabling much more tighter integration with customizations and application development. This improved integration should allow users to release their customized code built on the SDKs more quickly and confidently.
- Linux embedded software support
- Long Term Stable (LTS) Kernel update to 6.6.58
- U-boot 2024.04 based bootloaders with pre-intergrated early splash screen
- Yocto scarthgap (LTS) based build environment and filesystem
- Debian distribution and pre-built deb packages based on Trixie
- Buildroot 2024.05.3 based build environment and filesystem for AM62x
- Snagfactory support on AM62x using Snagboot
- Jailhouse Hypervisor based on LTS Kernel 6.6.58
- Yocto scarthgap based SD card image for Beagleplay with TI baseline of LTS Kernel 6.6.58 & U-boot 2024.04
AM62-ACADEMY — AM62x Academy
基于 Arm 的处理器
AM62-ACADEMY first release.
CLOCKTREE-AM62X — Clock tree configuration for AM62x
基于 Arm 的处理器
Clock tree configuration tool for AM62X
CCSTUDIO — Code Composer Studio 集成式开发环境 (IDE)
- 数字信号处理器 (DSP)
- 基于 Arm 的处理器
- MSP430 微控制器
- C2000 实时微控制器
- 基于 Arm 的微控制器
- 信号调节器
- 毫米波雷达传感器
- Wi-Fi 产品
- 低于 1GHz 产品
- 数字电源隔离式控制器
Arm Cortex-M0+ MCU
Arm Cortex-M4 MCU
Arm Cortex-R MCU
Sub-1GHz 无线 MCU
The Code Composer Studio™ IDE is a complete integrated suite that enables developers to create and debug applications of all Texas Instruments Embedded Processors (Sitara, DSP, Automotive, Keystone), Microcontrollers (SimpleLink™, C2000 Digital Control, MSP430, TM4C, Hercules), as well as Digital Power (UCD) and Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) devices.
CCS v20 is TI’s next generation Integrated Development Environment (IDE) based on Theia IDE framework. CCS v20.0.2 uses a modified version of the Theia-IDE framework and offers a user experience similar to Visual Studio Code™.
- Installation instructions and User's Guide
- Windows 32bit is not supported with CCSv20.
- XDS510 class debug probes are not supported with CCSv20.
- v20.0.2 is a maintenance release based on v20.0.1, with the following updates:
- Fixed XDS110 firmware update issue on some F28x LaunchPads
- Fixed issue with multi-root workspaces project debug launch failure
- Fixed issue with some C2000Ware example projects imported with broken links
- Various debug enhancements and bug fixes
类型 | 标题 | 下载最新的英文版本 | 日期 | |||
应用手册 | AM62x 器件上的 Linux 电路板移植 (Rev. A) | PDF | HTML | 英语版 (Rev.A) | PDF | HTML | 2024年 10月 16日 | |
产品概述 | SK-AM62-LP 设计包内容概述 | PDF | HTML | 英语版 | PDF | HTML | 2024年 7月 25日 | |
证书 | SK-AM62-LP EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) (Rev. A) | 2023年 8月 4日 | ||||
EVM 用户指南 | AM62x Low-Power SK EVM User’s Guide | PDF | HTML | 2022年 6月 23日 |