DRV8300DRGE 三相 BLDC 评估模块
DRV8300DRGE-EVM 基于适用于 BLDC 电机的 DRV8300DRGE 栅极驱动器,是一款 30A 三相无刷直流驱动级。
DRV8300DRGE 包含三个二极管用于自举运行,因此无需使用外部二极管。此 EVM 包含三个电流分流放大器,可用于低侧电流测量以及 PVDD/GVDD 电压和电路板温度反馈。可向此 EVM 提供高达 100V 的电压,板载降压器件可为自举 GVDD 电源提供所需的 12V 电压。
包含所有电源的状态 LED 以及故障 LED,用于提供用户反馈。此套件需要使用 C2000 Launchpad (LAUNCHXL-F280049C) 控制 DRV8300,并监控和报告故障。
- 6V 至 100V 工作电压,30A 峰值 H 桥输出电流
- 用于三相低侧电流测量的板载 CSA
- 用于 GVDD 生成、器件内部自举二极管的板载降压器件
- 用于提供用户反馈的电源 LED、故障 LED 和温度传感器
- 可提供带传感器的 C2000 (LAUNCHXL-F280049C) 梯形固件
DRV8300EVM-SENSORED-TRAP-FW — DRV8300EVM sensored trapezoidal firmware for Code Composer Studio™ IDE
DRV8300EVM-SENSORED-TRAP-FW — DRV8300EVM sensored trapezoidal firmware for Code Composer Studio™ IDE
CCS sensored trapezoidal firmware for BLDC motor control with the DRV8300EVM.
MSP-MOTOR-CONTROL — MSPM0 Firmware solutions for motor control applications
Universal FOC Motor Control Library
Sensorless FOC firmware for MSPM0Gx5xx + Motor Driver solutions
Hall Sensor Based FOC firmware for MSPM0Gx5xx + Motor Driver solutions
BLDC sensored trap firmware for MSPM0G + DRV83xx motor drivers
BLDC sensored trap firmware for MSPM0L + DRV83xx motor drivers
Stepper motor firmware for MSPM0L + DRV8xxx motor drivers
Brushed-DC firmware for MSPM0L + DRV8xxx motor drivers
Arm Cortex-M0+ MCU
有刷直流 (BDC) 电机驱动器
MSPM0 Motor Control Application Note
Application Tuning Guide to spin BLDC motors with Universal FOC Motor Control Library
Getting started and Hardware Setup user guides for Universal FOC Motor Control Library
Tuning Guide for MSPM0 based Sensorless FOC
MSPM0 BLDC Sensorless FOC Documentation
Application Tuning Guide for MSPM0 Based Hall Sensor FOC
Getting started and Hardware Setup user guides for Sensored FOC Motor Control Library
MSPM0 BLDC Sensored Trap Control Documentation
MSPM0 Stepper Motor Control Documentation
MSPM0 Brushed Motor Control Documentation
MSP Motor Control is a collection of software, tools, and examples to spin motors in 30 minutes or less with MSPM0 Arm Cortex M0+ MCUs and popular motor driver solutions.
MSP Motor Control provides examples for supported hardware kits to spin brushed, stepper, and 3-phase motors with sensored and sensorless control algorithms optimized for performance, integration, and ease-of-use. Spin your motor today by ordering hardware, connecting a motor, and using our Graphical User Interfaces or online code examples.
MSP Motor Control includes:
- Complete software and evaluation ecosystem for MSPM0 MCU motor control applications inside MSPM0-SDK
- Support for brushed, stepper, and 3-phase motors with sensored and sensorless algorithms using MSPM0L/MSPM0G devices
- Getting started collateral to spin a motor in 30 minutes or less optimized for efficiency, power delivery, or speed/torque control
- Solutions for field-oriented control (FOC) with a comprehensive suite of features optimized for motor performance
- Hardware support for reference designs, MSPM0 LaunchPads and TI's portfolio of DRV8xxx motor drivers
- Future support for code-free GUI-based motor control, communication interfaces, and automatic tuning
- Open Source Field Oriented Control v1.0.0. - Open Source FOC with ESMO and Finite BEMF Estimator.
- Support for BLDC & PMSM motors in Three Shunt, Two Shunt and Single Shunt Configurations
- Initial Speed detection and Initial Position detection feature support
- Configurable Start up and Stop options to meet wide range of application needs.
- Maximum Torque Per Ampere algorithm for efficiently driving Salient PMSM Motors
- Field Weakening to spin the motors beyond the Rated Speeds.
- Sensorless FOC PMSM Motor Control Library V2.03.00 : Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Added Support for Single Shunt IPD & 16Khz FOC Execution rate
- Sensored FOC PMSM Motor Control Library V1.0.0 : Bug Fixes and Improvements. Added Support for 16KHz FOC Execution rate.
C2000WARE-MOTORCONTROL-SDK — 适用于 C2000™ MCU 的 MotorControl 软件开发套件 (SDK)
C2000 实时微控制器
MotorControl SDK for C2000™ real-time control microcontrollers (MCU) is a cohesive set of software infrastructure, tools, and documentation designed to minimize C2000 MCU based motor control system development time targeted for various three-phase motor control applications.
- New: Added TIDM-01010: BiSS-C Encoder Interface for F28P65x
- New: Added TIDA-010273: 250W Motor Inverter with GaN IPM for F280013x
- New: Added Edge AI Motor Fault Detection
- Updated servo_drive_with_can: added F28P65x support
- Updated TIDA-010265: Features/improvements to tida_010265_wminv Simulink model
- Updated TIDA-010265: Added support for revE1 of TIEVM-MTR-HVINV
- Updated TIDA-010265: Fixed bug requiring both FAST and eSMO to be enabled
- Updated C2000Ware to version
类型 | 标题 | 下载最新的英文版本 | 日期 | |||
* | EVM 用户指南 | DRV8300xxx-EVM User’s Guide | PDF | HTML | 2020年 4月 9日 | ||
证书 | DRV8300DRGE-EVM EU RoHS Declaration of Conformity (DoC) | 2021年 2月 4日 |