SPNU636 January   2020 RM42L432 , RM44L520 , RM44L920 , RM46L430 , RM46L440 , RM46L450 , RM46L830 , RM46L840 , RM46L850 , RM46L852 , RM48L530 , RM48L540 , RM48L730 , RM48L740 , RM48L940 , RM48L950 , RM48L952 , RM57L843 , TMS570LC4357 , TMS570LC4357-EP , TMS570LC4357-SEP , TMS570LS0332 , TMS570LS0432 , TMS570LS0714 , TMS570LS0714-S , TMS570LS0914 , TMS570LS1114 , TMS570LS1115 , TMS570LS1224 , TMS570LS1225 , TMS570LS1227 , TMS570LS2124 , TMS570LS2125 , TMS570LS2134 , TMS570LS2135 , TMS570LS3134 , TMS570LS3135 , TMS570LS3137 , TMS570LS3137-EP


  1.   Hercules Software Diagnostic Library CSP Without LDRA
    1.     Trademarks
    2. Introduction
    3. Software Requirements
    4. Software Diagnostic Library TAU Tool Restrictions
    5. Terminologies Used in Software Diagnostic Library TAU
      1. 4.1 What is Unit Testing?
      2. 4.2 What is a Test Sequence?
      3. 4.3 What is a TCF?
      4. 4.4 What is Code Coverage?
      5. 4.5 What is Regression Report?
    6. Functional Blocks of Software Diagnostic Library TAU
    7. Software Diagnostic Library TAU Test Flow
    8. Manual Settings to the LDRA Install Needed by the User
    9. Steps for Using the Software Diagnostic Library TAU
    10. Inputs to Software Diagnostic Library TAU
      1. 9.1 Device Selection
      2. 9.2 Target Configuration File
      3. 9.3 Build Options File
    11. 10 How to Add Individual Test Cases
    12. 11 Reports
      1. 11.1 Regression Report
      2. 11.2 Dynamic Coverage Analysis Report
    13. 12 FAQ

Manual Settings to the LDRA Install Needed by the User

  1. If the user has already installed LDRAunit-TI-Qual_C_CPP_9.4.3 for HALCogen, then the compiler option must be changed using the “compiler options” executable from the
    LDRAunit-TI-Qual_C_CPP_9.4.3 (run this program in administrative mode). Figure 4 and Figure 5 explain how to change the compiler options.
  2. select_compiler_option_SPNU615.pngFigure 4. Select the Compiler Options
    select_compiler_SPNU615.pngFigure 5. Select Compiler
  3. Open the file LDRA_execute.bat under the LDRA installation directory (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\LDRA\LDRAunit-TI-Qual_C_CPP_9.4.3\Compiler_spec\Ticcs50\Rm48l950_hercules_serial\).
    • In the beginning of the file, find a line similar to the following:
      cd “C:\Program Files (x86)\LDRA\LDRAunit-TI-Qual_C_CPP_9.4.3\Utils\Comporter”
    • Change the above line to:
      “cd /d C:\Program Files (x86)\LDRA\LDRAunit-TI-Qual_C_CPP_9.4.3\Utils\Comporter”
  4. NOTE

    The software may require administrative privileges to change this file. Changing the file is necessary because the CD only works when trying to change the directory in the current working drive. If the TAU is installed in another drive other than C: drive, the CD fails to change the directory.

  5. Connect the device board to the system (PC) for test, depending on the Target Board HW configuration, using either of the following:
    1. USB cable on the SCI port, as SCI is used for testing with XDS100/XDS110 USB emulator integrated on board
    2. USB-JTAG External Debugger XDS510 connected using the JTAG lines on board
  6. When selecting a HALCoGen project or modifying an existing project under demo_app\HALCoGen, take care to see that the SCI continue on suspend bit (bit 17 in SCI Global Control Register 1 (SCIGCR1) in the SCI module) is enabled.
  7. If LDRAunit-TI-Qual_C_CPP_9.4.3 for HalCogen has already installed, then the compiler option must be changed using the compiler, which is executable from the LDRAunit-TI-Qual_C_CPP_9.4.3 file.
  8. In cases where issues occur when building and running test cases, the user may have a corrupt LDRAunit-TI-Qual_C_CPP_9.4.3 work area. To fix the issue, delete the existing sets (an LDRA work item) as shown in Figure 6 through Figure 8, and then start running the test cases again.
  9. open_LDRAunit_SPNU615.pngFigure 6. Open LDRAunit
    select_multiple_files_SPNU615.pngFigure 7. Select Multiple Files
    delete_set_device_under_test_SPNU615.pngFigure 8. Delete the Set for the Device Under Test
    (Here RM46x Software Diagnostic Library is Selected Here)
  10. Sometimes when the system hangs, the test execution is halted and the source code may be corrupted. That is, the user may leave the source code in an instrumented state (LDRA instrumentation). In that case, LDRA creates the source backup folder in:
    <installation directory>\safety_library\source
    Replace the corrupted source code using this backup.
  11. The RTS libraries used for building the .out file for the test cases may sometimes be missing in the compiler. Automatic build of the RTS libraries may fail when the environment variables are not correctly set for the shell that is used for building the RTS library. The user must ensure that the required RTS libraries are available in the compiler.
  12. In some cases, for example: forcibly closing test execution, ending the test automation task, or due to a power loss when the test execution is running, the LDRA analysis may lock (see Figure 9). This lock must be deleted to allow successful execution of test cases.
  13. LDRA_analysis_block_SPNU615.pngFigure 9. LDRA Analysis Lock