SWRA446 February   2015 CC1310 , CC1310 , CC2620 , CC2620 , CC2630 , CC2630 , CC2640 , CC2640 , CC2640R2F , CC2640R2F , CC2640R2F-Q1 , CC2640R2F-Q1 , CC2650 , CC2650 , CC2650MODA , CC2650MODA


  1.   Using GCC/GDB With SimpleLink CC26xx/CC13xx
    1.     Trademarks
    2. 1 Introduction
    3. 2 Prerequisites
      1. 2.1 Platforms
      2. 2.2 Hardware
      3. 2.3 Software
    4. 3 Hardware Setup
    5. 4 Software Installation Instructions
      1. 4.1 Java Runtime Environment
      2. 4.2 Eclipse IDE (Windows)
      3. 4.3 Eclipse IDE (Linux)
      4. 4.4 GNU Toolchain (Windows)
      5. 4.5 GNU Toolchain (Linux)
      6. 4.6 Build Tools for Windows
      7. 4.7 TI Emupack and GDB Server (Windows)
      8. 4.8 Flash Programmer (Windows)
      9. 4.9 Flash Programmer (Linux)
    6. 5 Build the Software Example
      1. 5.1 Import Example Project Into the IDE
      2. 5.2 Build the Software Example
    7. 6 Load Binary Image to Target
      1. 6.1 Configure Flash Programmer Tool (Windows)
      2. 6.2 Configure Flash Programmer Tool (Linux)
      3. 6.3 Load the Image to Target (Windows)
      4. 6.4 Load the Image to Target (Linux)
    8. 7 Debug the Software Example
      1. 7.1 Launch the GDB Server (Windows)
      2. 7.2 Launch the GDB Server (Linux)
      3. 7.3 Configure Eclipse Debugger
      4. 7.4 Running the Software Example From Debugger
    9. 8 References
  2. AMakefile
    1. A.1 Makedefs
    2. A.2 Makefile
  3. BLinker and Startup Files
    1. B.1 Linker File
    2. B.2 Startup Files


The file called ‘makedefs’ defines project independent variables, which are explained in this section. The file is included in the makefile.

CC This variable should defines the compiler command for your GCC compiler
OBJCOPY This variable should define the compiler command for copying a binary file.
CHIP_ID This variable should define the device that is used.

If using Linux, the complete path to the above commands is required. ‘makedefs’ includes a section that can be commented out in order to solve this. You must then update the COMPILERPATH variable to your GCC compiler installation path.

The next variables are defined differently whether the makefile is run on Windows or Linux.

RMDIR Command for deleting a directory.
RM Command for deleting a file.
SLASH This variable is need where windows require backslashes and Linux require forward slashes.