主页 电源管理 电压基准 并联电压基准



5V 基准电压二极管


VO (V) 5 Initial accuracy (max) (%) 1 VO adj (min) (V) 4 VO adj (max) (V) 6 Iz for regulation (min) (µA) 600 Reference voltage (V) adjustable Rating Catalog Temp coeff (max) (ppm/°C) 20 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Iout/Iz (max) (mA) 10
VO (V) 5 Initial accuracy (max) (%) 1 VO adj (min) (V) 4 VO adj (max) (V) 6 Iz for regulation (min) (µA) 600 Reference voltage (V) adjustable Rating Catalog Temp coeff (max) (ppm/°C) 20 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Iout/Iz (max) (mA) 10
SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6 TO-92 (LP) 3 19.136 mm² 5.2 x 3.68 WAFERSALE (YS) See data sheet
  • Adjustable 4V to 6V
  • Low Temperature Coefficient
  • Wide Operating Current of 600 μA to 10 mA
  • 0.6Ω Dynamic Impedance
  • ± 1% Initial Tolerance Available
  • Specified Temperature Stability
  • Easily Trimmed for Minimum Temperature Drift
  • Fast Turn-on
  • Three Lead Transistor Package

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Adjustable 4V to 6V
  • Low Temperature Coefficient
  • Wide Operating Current of 600 μA to 10 mA
  • 0.6Ω Dynamic Impedance
  • ± 1% Initial Tolerance Available
  • Specified Temperature Stability
  • Easily Trimmed for Minimum Temperature Drift
  • Fast Turn-on
  • Three Lead Transistor Package

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The LM136-5.0/LM236-5.0/LM336-5.0 integrated circuits are precision 5.0V shunt regulator diodes. These monolithic IC voltage references operate as a low temperature coefficient 5.0V zener with 0.6Ω dynamic impedance. A third terminal on the LM136-5.0 allows the reference voltage and temperature coefficient to be trimmed easily.

The LM136-5.0 series is useful as a precision 5.0V low voltage reference for digital voltmeters, power supplies or op amp circuitry. The 5.0V makes it convenient to obtain a stable reference from low voltage supplies. Further, since the LM136-5.0 operates as a shunt regulator, it can be used as either a positive or negative voltage reference.

The LM136-5.0 is rated for operation over −55°C to +125°C while the LM236-5.0 is rated over a −25°C to +85°C temperature range. The LM336-5.0 is rated for operation over a 0°C to +70°C temperature range. See the for available packages. For applications requiring 2.5V see LM136-2.5.

The LM136-5.0/LM236-5.0/LM336-5.0 integrated circuits are precision 5.0V shunt regulator diodes. These monolithic IC voltage references operate as a low temperature coefficient 5.0V zener with 0.6Ω dynamic impedance. A third terminal on the LM136-5.0 allows the reference voltage and temperature coefficient to be trimmed easily.

The LM136-5.0 series is useful as a precision 5.0V low voltage reference for digital voltmeters, power supplies or op amp circuitry. The 5.0V makes it convenient to obtain a stable reference from low voltage supplies. Further, since the LM136-5.0 operates as a shunt regulator, it can be used as either a positive or negative voltage reference.

The LM136-5.0 is rated for operation over −55°C to +125°C while the LM236-5.0 is rated over a −25°C to +85°C temperature range. The LM336-5.0 is rated for operation over a 0°C to +70°C temperature range. See the for available packages. For applications requiring 2.5V see LM136-2.5.

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* 数据表 LM136-5.0 LM236-5.0 LM336-5.0 5.0V Reference Diode 数据表 (Rev. D) 2013年 3月 27日
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This external resistor quick-start calculator tool lets you easily calculate valid external resistor values relative to voltage reference, supply and load-current bounds. With these inputs, you can instantly view the resulting calculations and use the color-coded indications to understand (...)



LM336-2.5-MIL 并联电压基准
ATL431 2.5V 低 IQ 可调节精密并联稳压器 LM136-2.5-N 电压基准二极管 LM136-5.0 5.0V 基准二极管 LM136-5.0QML 5.0V 基准二极管 LM136A-2.5QML 2.5V 基准二极管 LM136A-2.5QML-SP 耐辐射 QMLV、2.5V 并联电压基准 LM136A-5.0QML 5.0V 基准二极管 LM185-1.2-N 微功耗电压基准二极管 LM185-1.2QML 微功耗电压基准二极管 LM185-1.2QML-SP 耐辐射 QMLV、1.2V 并联电压基准 LM185-2.5-N 微功耗电压基准二极管 LM185-2.5QML 微功耗电压基准二极管 LM185-2.5QML-SP 航天级 QMLV 2.5V 并联电压基准 LM185-ADJ 可调节微功耗电压基准 LM185QML 可调节微功耗电压基准 LM285-1.2 具有 -40°C 至 +85°C 工作温度范围的 1.235V 微功耗基准电压 LM285-1.2-N 温度范围为 -40°C 至 +85°C 的 1.235V 微功耗基准电压二极管 LM285-2.5 具有 -40°C 至 +85°C 工作温度范围的 2.5V 微功耗基准电压 LM285-2.5-N 温度范围为 -40°C 至 +85°C 的 2.5V 微功耗基准电压二极管 LM285-ADJ 可调节、85°C、微功耗电压基准 LM336-2.5 具有 0°C 至 70°C 工作温度范围的 2.5V 集成参考电路 LM336-2.5-N 电压基准二极管 LM336-5.0 5V 基准电压二极管 LM385-1.2 具有 0°C 至 70°C 工作温度范围的 1.235V、2%、微功耗基准电压 LM385-1.2-MIL 微功耗电压基准源 LM385-1.2-N 温度范围为 0°C 至 70°C 的 1.235V 微功耗基准电压二极管 LM385-2.5 2.5V、2%、70°C、微功耗基准电压 LM385-2.5-N 温度范围为 0°C 至 70°C 的 2.5V 微功耗基准电压二极管 LM385-ADJ 可调节、70°C、微功耗电压基准 LM4030 超高精度并联电压基准 LM4040 固定和电压、45µA、精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM4040-N 100ppm/°C 精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM4040-N-Q1 汽车类 100ppm/°C 精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM4041-N 固定和可调节、45µA、精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM4041-N-Q1 汽车类精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM4050-N 50ppm/°C 精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM4050-N-Q1 汽车类 50ppm/°C 精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM4050QML-SP 耐辐射 QMLV、2.5V 或 5V 并联电压基准 LM4051-N 固定和可调节、精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM431 精度为 2%、1% 或 0.5% 的可调精密齐纳并联稳压器 LM4431 微功耗并联电压基准 LMV431 1.5%、低电压 (1.24V) 可调节精密并联稳压器 LMV431A 1%、低电压 (1.24V) 可调节精密并联稳压器 LMV431B 0.5%、低电压 (1.24V) 可调节精密并联稳压器
LM134 3 端子可调节电流源 LM234 100°C 3 引脚可调节电流源 LM334 具有 0°C 至 70°C 工作温度范围的 3 引脚可调节电流源

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SOIC (D) 8 Ultra Librarian
TO-92 (LP) 3 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 器件标识
  • 引脚镀层/焊球材料
  • MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
  • MTBF/时基故障估算
  • 材料成分
  • 鉴定摘要
  • 持续可靠性监测
  • 制造厂地点
  • 封装厂地点

