主页 电源管理 电压基准 并联电压基准



具有 -40°C 至 +85°C 工作温度范围的 1.235V 微功耗基准电压


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LM285-1.2-N 正在供货 温度范围为 -40°C 至 +85°C 的 1.235V 微功耗基准电压二极管 Improved maximum reverse breakdown voltage change with current (20 mV)


VO (V) 1.235 Initial accuracy (max) (%) 1 VO adj (min) (V) 1.235 VO adj (max) (V) 1.235 Iz for regulation (min) (µA) 8 Reference voltage (V) Fixed Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Iout/Iz (max) (mA) 20
VO (V) 1.235 Initial accuracy (max) (%) 1 VO adj (min) (V) 1.235 VO adj (max) (V) 1.235 Iz for regulation (min) (µA) 8 Reference voltage (V) Fixed Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Iout/Iz (max) (mA) 20
SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6 TO-92 (LP) 3 19.136 mm² 5.2 x 3.68
  • Operating Current Range
    • LM285-1.2: 10 μA to 20 mA
    • LM385-1.2: 15 μA to 20 mA
    • LM385B-1.2: 15 μA to 20 mA
  • 1% and 2% Initial Voltage Tolerance
  • Reference Impedance
    • LM385-1.2: 1 Ω MAX at 25°C
    • All devices: 1.5 Ω MAX over Full
      Temperature Range
  • Very Low Power Consumption
  • Interchangeable with Industry Standard
    LM285-1.2 and LM385-1.2
  • Operating Current Range
    • LM285-1.2: 10 μA to 20 mA
    • LM385-1.2: 15 μA to 20 mA
    • LM385B-1.2: 15 μA to 20 mA
  • 1% and 2% Initial Voltage Tolerance
  • Reference Impedance
    • LM385-1.2: 1 Ω MAX at 25°C
    • All devices: 1.5 Ω MAX over Full
      Temperature Range
  • Very Low Power Consumption
  • Interchangeable with Industry Standard
    LM285-1.2 and LM385-1.2

These micropower, two-terminal, band-gap voltage references operate over a 10-μA to 20-mA current range and feature exceptionally low dynamic impedance and good temperature stability. On-chip trimming provides tight voltage tolerance. The band-gap reference for these devices has low noise and long-term stability.

The design makes these devices exceptionally tolerant of capacitive loading and, thus, easier to use in most reference applications. The wide dynamic operating temperature range accommodates varying current supplies, with excellent regulation.

The extremely low power drain of this series makes them useful for micropower circuitry. These voltage references can be used to make portable meters, regulators, or general-purpose analog circuitry, with battery life approaching shelf life. The wide operating current range allows them to replace older references with tighter-tolerance parts.

These micropower, two-terminal, band-gap voltage references operate over a 10-μA to 20-mA current range and feature exceptionally low dynamic impedance and good temperature stability. On-chip trimming provides tight voltage tolerance. The band-gap reference for these devices has low noise and long-term stability.

The design makes these devices exceptionally tolerant of capacitive loading and, thus, easier to use in most reference applications. The wide dynamic operating temperature range accommodates varying current supplies, with excellent regulation.

The extremely low power drain of this series makes them useful for micropower circuitry. These voltage references can be used to make portable meters, regulators, or general-purpose analog circuitry, with battery life approaching shelf life. The wide operating current range allows them to replace older references with tighter-tolerance parts.

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* 数据表 LMx85-1.2, LM385B-1.2 Micropower Voltage References 数据表 (Rev. J) PDF | HTML 2015年 1月 27日




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LM336-2.5-MIL 并联电压基准
ATL431 2.5V 低 IQ 可调节精密并联稳压器 LM136-2.5-N 电压基准二极管 LM136-5.0 5.0V 基准二极管 LM136-5.0QML 5.0V 基准二极管 LM136A-2.5QML 2.5V 基准二极管 LM136A-2.5QML-SP 耐辐射 QMLV、2.5V 并联电压基准 LM136A-5.0QML 5.0V 基准二极管 LM185-1.2-N 微功耗电压基准二极管 LM185-1.2QML 微功耗电压基准二极管 LM185-1.2QML-SP 耐辐射 QMLV、1.2V 并联电压基准 LM185-2.5-N 微功耗电压基准二极管 LM185-2.5QML 微功耗电压基准二极管 LM185-2.5QML-SP 航天级 QMLV 2.5V 并联电压基准 LM185-ADJ 可调节微功耗电压基准 LM185QML 可调节微功耗电压基准 LM285-1.2 具有 -40°C 至 +85°C 工作温度范围的 1.235V 微功耗基准电压 LM285-1.2-N 温度范围为 -40°C 至 +85°C 的 1.235V 微功耗基准电压二极管 LM285-2.5 具有 -40°C 至 +85°C 工作温度范围的 2.5V 微功耗基准电压 LM285-2.5-N 温度范围为 -40°C 至 +85°C 的 2.5V 微功耗基准电压二极管 LM285-ADJ 可调节、85°C、微功耗电压基准 LM336-2.5 具有 0°C 至 70°C 工作温度范围的 2.5V 集成参考电路 LM336-2.5-N 电压基准二极管 LM336-5.0 5V 基准电压二极管 LM385-1.2 具有 0°C 至 70°C 工作温度范围的 1.235V、2%、微功耗基准电压 LM385-1.2-MIL 微功耗电压基准源 LM385-1.2-N 温度范围为 0°C 至 70°C 的 1.235V 微功耗基准电压二极管 LM385-2.5 2.5V、2%、70°C、微功耗基准电压 LM385-2.5-N 温度范围为 0°C 至 70°C 的 2.5V 微功耗基准电压二极管 LM385-ADJ 可调节、70°C、微功耗电压基准 LM4030 超高精度并联电压基准 LM4040 固定和电压、45µA、精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM4040-N 100ppm/°C 精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM4040-N-Q1 汽车类 100ppm/°C 精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM4041-N 固定和可调节、45µA、精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM4041-N-Q1 汽车类精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM4050-N 50ppm/°C 精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM4050-N-Q1 汽车类 50ppm/°C 精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM4050QML-SP 耐辐射 QMLV、2.5V 或 5V 并联电压基准 LM4051-N 固定和可调节、精密微功耗并联电压基准 LM431 精度为 2%、1% 或 0.5% 的可调精密齐纳并联稳压器 LM4431 微功耗并联电压基准 LMV431 1.5%、低电压 (1.24V) 可调节精密并联稳压器 LMV431A 1%、低电压 (1.24V) 可调节精密并联稳压器 LMV431B 0.5%、低电压 (1.24V) 可调节精密并联稳压器
LM134 3 端子可调节电流源 LM234 100°C 3 引脚可调节电流源 LM334 具有 0°C 至 70°C 工作温度范围的 3 引脚可调节电流源

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SOIC (D) 8 Ultra Librarian
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  • RoHS
  • 器件标识
  • 引脚镀层/焊球材料
  • MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
  • MTBF/时基故障估算
  • 材料成分
  • 鉴定摘要
  • 持续可靠性监测
  • 制造厂地点
  • 封装厂地点

