SWRU581 March   2021 CC2564C , CC2564MODA , CC2564MODN , WL1831


  1.   Trademarks
  2. Introduction
  3. Bluetopia
  4. Bluetopia Platform Manager (BluetopiaPM)
  5. Hardware Requirements
  6. Software Requirements
  7. Stack Supported Features
  8. TI BluetopiaPM Stack Linux Architecture
  9. Installing Bluetopia Platform Manager
  10. BluetopiaPM Architecture
    1. 9.1 Installation Directory Structure
    2. 9.2 BluetopiaPM Structure
  11. 10The BluetopiaPM Server – Pairing Mode
  12. 11Platform Integration
    1. 11.1 Build BluetopiaPM
      1. 11.1.1 Modification of the PM Build Environment
  13. 12Adding BluetopiaPM to the SD Card
    1. 12.1 Sample Applications
    2. 12.2 Gstreamer Plugin
    3. 12.3 VNET Plugin
      1. 12.3.1 Voice Over BLE Python Script
    4. 12.4 Init-scripts
    5. 12.5 Bluetooth Hardware Configuration Script
  14. 13Terminal Connection
  15. 14Running a Sample Application
  16. 15BluetopiaPM Samples
  17.   A C256X EVM Modifications for COM8 Connector
  18.   B Bluetopia Build Log for Reference
  19.   C Sample Run
  20.   D Using the CC256x Service Pack With Linux (TI-BT-4-2-STACK-LINUX-ADDON)

Terminal Connection

Plug in the RS-232 0 port to a pc via NULL modem and then look at the Device manager for Communications Port (COM x) under Ports (COM & LPT). Attach a terminal program like PuTTY to the serial port (COM x) for the board, x means which COM is open for Communications Port in Device Manager. The serial parameter to use is 115200 Baud rate. Once connected, turn on the device Power button and you should see the am335x getting initialized on the terminal.

Arago Project http://arago-project.org am335x-evm /dev/ttyS0
Arago 2015.05 am335x-evm /dev/ttyS0
am335x-evm login:

When the initialization is over, type root in order to use the file system.

Note: The serial port may differ for different platforms (for example, AM437x will be /dev/ttyS1).
am335x-evm login: root