SWPA230A May   2017  – June 2018 CC3120 , CC3120MOD , CC3220MOD , CC3220MODA , CC3220R , CC3220S , CC3220SF


  1.   CC3120 and CC3220 SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® Embedded Programming
    1.     Trademarks
    2. 1 Introduction
    3. 2 Embedded Programming Schemes
    4. 3 Setup
    5. 4 Bootloader Protocol
      1. 4.1 Overview
      2. 4.2 General Message Format
      3. 4.3 Commands
        1. 4.3.1 Get Status
        2. 4.3.2 Get Storage List
        3. 4.3.3 Raw Storage Write
        4. 4.3.4 Get Version Info
        5. 4.3.5 Raw Storage Erase
        6. 4.3.6 Get Storage Info
        7. 4.3.7 Execute from RAM
        8. 4.3.8 Switch UART to APPS MCU
        9. 4.3.9 FS Programming
      4. 4.4 Responses
        1. 4.4.1 Ack
        2. 4.4.2 Nack
        3. 4.4.3 Last Status
        4. 4.4.4 Storage List
        5. 4.4.5 Storage Info
        6. 4.4.6 Version Info
    6. 5 Embedded Programming Procedure
      1. 5.1 Overview
      2. 5.2 High-Level Flow Diagram
      3. 5.3 Image Programming in Detail
        1. 5.3.1  Step 1: Target Connection
        2. 5.3.2  Step 2: Target Detection
        3. 5.3.3  Step 3: MUX UART to the Network Processor
        4. 5.3.4  Step 4: Get SRAM Storage Info
        5. 5.3.5  Step 5: Raw Storage Erase – SRAM
        6. 5.3.6  Step 6: Raw Storage Write – SRAM
        7. 5.3.7  Step 7: Execute from RAM
        8. 5.3.8  Step 8: Get SFLASH Storage Info
        9. 5.3.9  Step 9: Raw Storage Erase – SFLASH
        10. 5.3.10 Step 10: Raw Storage Write – SFLASH
        11. 5.3.11 Step 11: FS Programming
        12. 5.3.12 Step 12: Device Reset
  2.   Revision History

Step 2: Target Detection

It is essential to determine whether the connected device is a CC3120 or CC3220. It is important because additional steps are required for the CC3220. The provided information indicates whether the device is a CC3220 (nonsecured), CC3220S, or CC3220SF (flash device).

The procedure for detecting the target follows:

  1. The main processor sends the Get Version Info command.
  2. The CC3120 or CC3220 device responds with an Ack, followed by the Version Info response. The first byte of the Chip type field must be tested.
  3. If (chip type & 0x10) //the device is CC3220 flavor// If (chip type == 0x10) //the device is CC3220 (nonsecured)// If (chip type == 0x18) //the device is CC3220S (secured ROM)// If (chip type == 0x19) //the device is CC3220SF (secured flash)// else //the device is CC3220 flavor//
  4. The main processor responds with an Ack.

Figure 4 shows the Get Version Info command and the Version Info response.

get-version-info.gifFigure 4. Get Version Info