DLPU115 January   2022 DLPC3421


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Return Parameters

Table 3-46 describes the return parameters.

Table 3-46 Return Parameters
Parameter Bytes Description
Byte 1 DMD interface status
Byte 2 LED status
Byte 3 Internal interrupt status
Byte 4 Misc. status

All system status error bits are cleared when the read system status is read.

Figure 3-68 Byte 1 Return Parameters
MSB Byte 1 – DMD Interface Status LSB
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


b(2) DMD training error:
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Error
b(1) DMD interface error:
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Error
b(0) DMD device error:
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Error

The system sets the DMD device error for the following conditions:

  • The system cannot read the DMD device ID from the DMD.
  • The system-specified DMD device ID does not match the actual DMD device ID.

The system sets the DMD interface error when there are power management setup conflicts on this interface.

The system sets the DMD training error when the training algorithm cannot find a data eye that meets the specified requirements. For controller pins selected for training, DMD training will fail if less than 20 out of 50 continuous response values pass.

Figure 3-69 Byte 2 Return Parameters
MSB Byte 1 – LED Status LSB
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


b(5) Blue LED error:
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Error
b(4) Green LED error:
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Error
b(3) Red LED error:
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Error
b(2) Blue LED state:
  • 0: Off
  • 1: On
b(1) Green LED state:
  • 0: Off
  • 1: On
b(0) Red LED state:
  • 0: Off
  • 1: On
Figure 3-70 Byte 3 Return Parameters
MSB Byte 1 – Internal Interrupt Status LSB
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


b(1) Sequence error:
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Error
b(0) Sequence abort error:
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Error
Figure 3-71 Byte 4 Return Parameters
MSB Byte 1 – Misc. Status LSB
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
b(7) Input frame rate error:
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Error
b(6) Input source resolution error:
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Error
b(5) Watchdog timer timeout:
  • 0: No timeout
  • 1: Timeout
b(4) Product configuration error:
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Error
b(3) Leader versus follower operation:
  • 0: Leader
  • 1: Follower
b(2) Single versus dual controller configuration:
  • 0: Single
  • 1: Dual
b(1:0) Reserved

The system sets the product configuration error bit if it determines that some piece of the product configuration is not correct. Some examples are:

  • Invalid controller or DMD combination
  • Invalid controller or DLPA200x combination
  • Invalid flash build for the current controller, DMD, or DLPA200x configuration

The system sets the watchdog timer timeout bit if the system has been reset due to a watchdog timer timeout. The system sets the input frame rate error if the input frame rate is not supported according to Table 3-47. The system sets the input source resolution error if the input resolution is not supported.

Table 3-47 Supported Frame Rates
Controller Supported Frame Rate Range
DLPC3421 47 - 360 Hz
DLPC3420 47 - 60 Hz