DLPU115 January   2022 DLPC3421


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Return Parameters

Table 3-45 describes the return parameters.

Table 3-45 Return Parameters
Parameter BytesDescription
Byte 1Short System Status
Figure 3-67 Byte 1 Return Parameters
MSBByte 1 – General StatusLSB

Boot/main application:

  • 0: Boot
  • 1: Main

b(3)System error:
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Error
b(1)Communication error:
  • 0: No error
  • 1: Error
b(0)System initialization:
  • 0: Not complete
  • 1: Complete

The communication error bit indicates any error on the I2C command interfaces. Specific details about communication errors are available using the Read Communication Status command. Any errors other than a communication error are indicated by the system error bit. Specific details about system errors are available using the Read System Status command.

The communication error, and system error bits are cleared when the Read Short Status is read. The Read Short Status command must only be checked periodically, not continuously. Continuous access may severely impact system performance.