SLUAAF9 September   2021 UCC28782


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1 Initial Board Visual Inspection and Start-up Check
  3. 2 Typical System Operating Waveforms
    1. 2.1 SBP2 Mode
    2. 2.2 SBP1 Mode
    3. 2.3 LPM mode
    4. 2.4 LPM to ABM Mode Transition
    5. 2.5 ABM Mode
    6. 2.6 ABM to AAM Mode Transition
    7. 2.7 AAM Mode
  4. 3Typical System Protection Waveforms
    1. 3.1 Over-Power Protection (OPP)
    2. 3.2 Output Overvoltage Protection (OVP)
    3. 3.3 Output Short-Circuit Protection (SCP)
  5. 4Common Issues and Solutions
    1. 4.1 VDD Boost Converter Survival Mode
      1. 4.1.1 Survival Mode Due To Boost Inductor DCR Too High.
      2. 4.1.2 System Stays In Survival Mode When the Output Voltage is Low Such as 3.3V/5V/9V
    2. 4.2 10% Load Efficiency Might not Meet spec. in USB-PD Application, Especially at 5 V/9 V Output Condition
    3. 4.3 Transient
      1. 4.3.1 BIN/BSW Pin Damage During LPM to ABM Mode Transition
      2. 4.3.2 SR MOSFET VDS Overstress at Survival Mode
      3. 4.3.3 SR MOSFET Vds Voltage Overstress Due to PWMH Partial Turn On At Load Transition
  6. 5References

BIN/BSW Pin Damage During LPM to ABM Mode Transition

This transition could be caused by RDM or BUR pin resistor not selected properly. When the power stage running at LPM mode, high-side driver PWMH is disabled, transformer leakage energy will be accumulated at clamp capacitors while results in voltage on clamp capacitors slightly higher than output reflected voltage, as load increasing, power stage will transfer from LPM to ABM mode, there is a large balancing current between clamp capacitors and output capacitors when the first PWMH enabled, if PWMH on time is shorten than the resonance time of leakage inductance and clamp capacitors. NON-ZCS turn off will happen as shown in Figure 4-6, A sharp di/dt on leakage inductance causes high voltage spike which coupling to AUX winding, there is a potential risk that damage BIN/BSW pins, and SR FET also shows over voltage stress at this moment.

GUID-20210804-CA0I-BKTJ-2RKX-QCZZPVGBVLXP-low.pngFigure 4-6 SR FET Non-ZCS Turn Off
GUID-20210804-CA0I-PQ7J-J7TG-LBGPTWTSFTCG-low.pngFigure 4-7 SR FET ZCS Turn Off


  1. Re-calculate RDM pin resistor value,The RRDM calculation equation shown in UCC28782 data sheet equation (11). If the actual value on the tested board is close to calculated value, minor increase RDM resistor until the user can see NON-ZCS turn off disappear, see Figure 4-7
  2. Decrease down-side resistor value of BUR pin divider. So the peak current at LPM is reduced, in this way, the energy stored in clamp capacitors is also reduced. This process will assist for smaller balancing current.