SLAA476B February   2011  – July 2019 BQ2040 , BQ2040 , BQ2060A , BQ2060A , BQ2063 , BQ2063 , BQ2083-V1P3 , BQ2083-V1P3 , BQ2084-V143 , BQ2084-V143 , BQ2084-V150 , BQ2084-V150 , BQ2085-V1P3 , BQ2085-V1P3 , BQ20Z40-R1 , BQ20Z40-R1 , BQ20Z70-V160 , BQ20Z70-V160 , BQ20Z80A-V110 , BQ20Z80A-V110 , BQ28400 , BQ28400 , BQ78PL114 , BQ78PL114 , BQ78PL116 , BQ78PL116 , LM5145 , LM5145 , MSP430F5500 , MSP430F5500 , MSP430F5501 , MSP430F5501 , MSP430F5502 , MSP430F5502 , MSP430F5503 , MSP430F5503 , MSP430F5504 , MSP430F5504 , MSP430F5505 , MSP430F5505 , MSP430F5506 , MSP430F5506 , MSP430F5507 , MSP430F5507 , MSP430F5508 , MSP430F5508 , MSP430F5509 , MSP430F5509 , MSP430F5510 , MSP430F5510 , TPS40057 , TPS40057 , TPS40170 , TPS40170


  1.   Wide-Vin Battery Charger Using SMBus Communication Interface Between MSP430™ MCUs and bq Fuel Gauges
    1.     Trademarks
    2. Introduction
    3. Hardware
      1. 2.1 Overall System Description
      2. 2.2 MSP430F5510 Daughterboard Subsystem
        1. 2.2.1 Subsystem Description
        2. 2.2.2 MSP430F5510 Port Pins Functionality Description
      3. 2.3 Power Stage Board Subsystem
        1. 2.3.1 Subsystem Description
        2. 2.3.2 Input Protection Features
        3. 2.3.3 Constant-Voltage and Constant-Current Feedback
    4. Software
      1. 3.1 SMBus Protocol Description
      2. 3.2 Software File Structure
      3. 3.3 API Calls Description
        1. 3.3.1  UCS_Init ( )
        2. 3.3.2  Timer_Init ( )
        3. 3.3.3  PWM_Init ( )
        4. 3.3.4  ADC_Init ( )
        5. 3.3.5  Fan_Init ( )
        6. 3.3.6  LED_Init ( )
        7. 3.3.7  SMBus_Initialize ( )
        8. 3.3.8  LED_Control ( )
        9. 3.3.9  Fan_Control ( )
        10. 3.3.10 VI_ADC_Read ( )
        11. 3.3.11 SMBus_Select ( )
        12. 3.3.12 Calibrate_Battery ( )
        13. 3.3.13 Delay_Timer ( )
        14. 3.3.14 PWM_Control ( )
        15. 3.3.15 Smbus_Access ( )
        16. 3.3.16 Smbus_Access_PEC ( )
        17. 3.3.17 crc8MakeBitwise ( )
      4. 3.4 Sample Application Description
    5. SBS Supported Commands Using SMBus Protocol
    6. Detailed Sample Application Flow Chart
    7. Battery Status Register Description
      1. 6.1 BatteryStatus (0x16)
    8. MSP430F5510 Daughterboard Schematics
    9. Setting Up the MSP430F5510 Daughterboard Hardware
      1. 8.1 JTAG FET Debugger Interface (Power Up, Program and Debug Options)
      2. 8.2 eZ430 Emulator Interface (Power Up, Program and Debug Options)
      3. 8.3 Power Stage Board (Power Up Option Only)
    10. Battery Calibration Circuit Setup
    11. 10 Battery Voltage and PWM Conversions
    12. 11 Battery Current and PWM Conversions
    13. 12 Power Stage Board Schematics (Generation 1: 40-V Input)
    14. 13 Bode Plot Measurement for Feedback Loop Stability Analysis
    15. 14 Power Stage Board Schematics (Generation 2: 60-V Input)
    16. 15 Setting Up the Power Stage Board Hardware
    17. 16 References
  2.   Revision History

SBS Supported Commands Using SMBus Protocol

Table 2 shows SBS commands that are supported by the bq fuel gauges using the Smbus_Access or Smbus_Access_PEC function. For details on each individual SBS command, see the bq20z90-V1.50 + bq29330, bq20z95 Technical Reference[10].

Table 2. SBS Commands

SBS CMD Mode Name Format Size In Bytes Min Value Max Value Default Value Unit
0x00 R/W ManufacturerAccess hex 2 0x0000 0xffff -
0x01 R/W RemainingCapacityAlarm unsigned int 2 0 65535 - mAh or
10 mWh
0x02 R/W RemainingTimeAlarm unsigned int 2 0 65535 - min
0x03 R/W BatteryMode hex 2 0x0000 0xffff -
0x04 R/W AtRate signed int 2 -32768 32767 - mA or
10 mW
0x05 R AtRateTimeToFull unsigned int 2 0 65535 - Min
0x06 R AtRateTimeToEmpty unsigned int 2 0 65535 - Min
0x07 R AtRateOK unsigned int 2 0 65535 -
0x08 R Temperature(1) unsigned int 2 0 65535 - 0.1K
0x09 R Voltage(1) unsigned int 2 0 20000 - mV
0x0a R Current(1) signed int 2 -32768 32767 - mA
0x0b R AverageCurrent signed int 2 -32768 32767 - mA
0x0c R MaxError unsigned int 1 0 100 - %
0x0d R RelativeStateOfCharge(1) unsigned int 1 0 100 - %
0x0e R AbsoluteStateOfCharge unsigned int 1 0 100 - %
0x0f R RemainingCapacity unsigned int 2 0 65535 - mAh or
10 mWh
0x10 R FullChargeCapacity unsigned int 2 0 65535 - mAh or
10 mWh
0x11 R RunTimeToEmpty unsigned int 2 0 65535 - min
0x12 R AverageTimeToEmpty unsigned int 2 0 65535 - min
0x13 R AverageTimeToFull unsigned int 2 0 65535 - min
0x14 R ChargingCurrent (1) unsigned int 2 0 65535 - mA
0x15 R ChargingVoltage (1) unsigned int 2 0 65535 - mV
0x16 R BatteryStatus(1) unsigned int 2 0x0000 0xffff -
0x17 R CycleCount unsigned int 2 0 65535 -
0x18 R/W DesignCapacity unsigned int 2 0 65535 mAh or
10 mWh
0x19 R/W DesignVoltage unsigned int 2 700 16000 14400
0x1a R/W SpecifcationInfo unsigned int 2 0x0000 0xffff 0x0031
0x1b R/W ManufactureDate unsigned int 2 0 65535 0
0x1c R/W SerialNumber hex 2 0x0000 0xffff 0x0001
0x20 R/W ManufacturerName string 11+1 - - TI ASCII
0x21 R/W DeviceName string 7+1 - - bq20z80 ASCII
0x22 R/W DeviceChemistry string 4+1 - - LION ASCII
0x23 R ManufacturerData string 14+1 - - - ASCII
0x2f R/W Authenticate string 20+1 - - -
0x3c R CellVoltage4 unsigned int 2 0 65535 mV
0x3d R CellVoltage3 unsigned int 2 0 65535 mV
0x3e R CellVoltage2 unsigned int 2 0 65535 mV
0x3f R CellVoltage1 unsigned int 2 0 65535 mV
This parameter is used in the sample application.