SNOU193 May   2022 TLV3602


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Introduction
  3. 2Features
  4. 3EVM Specifications
    1. 3.1 Recommended Equipment
  5. 4Quick Start Procedure
  6. 5Board Setup
    1. 5.1 Supply Voltage
    2. 5.2 Inputs
    3. 5.3 Outputs
    4. 5.4 Hysteresis
  7. 6Layout Guidelines
  8. 7Schematic
  9. 8Bill of Materials


The TLV3602EVM is able to support external hysteresis for each TLV3602 non-inverting input. When configuring the EVM for hysteresis, the non-inverting input signal should now be connected to the INA+SENSE SMA connector. The reason for this is hysteresis requires both a series input resistor and a feedback resistor from output to input. There is no series resistance on the INA+ SMA connector. For this reason, the INA+SENSE series resistor, R7, will act as the input resistor.

The feedback resistor for hysteresis on channel A will be the combination of R11 and R13. Both resistors must be populated. When measuring the INA+ input signal on an oscilloscope, we recommend using a dual channel function generator so that one of its outputs can be directly connected to the oscilloscope. Ensure that both signal generator channels are outputting the same signal.

Figure 5-5 TLV3602 Hysteresis Schematic for Channel A

For non-inverting hysteresis on Channel B, the INB+SENSE SMA connection will serve as the input to the device. The input resistor will be series resistor R8. The feedback resistor for hysteresis on channel B will be the combination of R9 and R10. Both resistors must be populated. When measuring the INB+ input signal on an oscilloscope, we recommend following the same recommendations as Channel A.

Figure 5-6 TLV3602 Hysteresis Schematic for Channel B