SLEU121 February   2022 DRV8410


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Overview
    2. 1.2 Features
  4. 2Connection Descriptions
  5. 3EVM Setup Guide
    1. 3.1 Hardware Setup
    2. 3.2 GUI Installation
  6. 4GUI Overview
  7. 5Operating Modes
    1. 5.1 Stepper Motor
    2. 5.2 Brushed DC Motor

Brushed DC Motor

The brushed DC control page allows to configure between parallel h-bridge (AIN1-BIN1 duty cycle controlled by AIN1 slider and AIN2-BIN2 controlled by AIN2 slider) and dual h-bridge (each control input signal controller by an individual slider). The PWM switching frequency can be set between 20kHz, 10kHz, 5kHz, and 2.5kHz. The user has the ability to use external custom PWM signals for AIN1, AIN2, BIN1, and BIN2 by connecting external signal to the respective test points and removing the appropiate shunt on J9 header.

Note: In parallel h-bridge mode, ensure that J7 header is shorted to connect the SENSE resistor of both h-bridges