SLVUC28 August   2022 TPS544C26


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Description
    2. 1.2 Before You Begin
  4. 2Performance Characteristics
  5. 3Test Point Descriptions
  6. 4Test Setup
  7. 5Fusion I2C Device GUI
    1. 5.1 Opening the I2C Device GUI
    2. 5.2 On and Off Control OPERATION (01h) and ON_OFF_CONFIG (02h)
    3. 5.3 Changing SYS_CONFIG1 (A0h)
    4. 5.4 Changing the Output Voltage
    5. 5.5 Exporting and Importing Configurations
    6. 5.6 Store to and Restore from NVM
  8. 6Schematics
  9. 7PCB Layout
  10. 8BOM

Test Point Descriptions

A description of each test point follows:

Table 3-1 Connectors and Jumpers
J1 VOUT Output voltage scope monitor
J2 IEXT Load current interface for the input power telemetry
J3 PVIN VIN screw terminal to connect input voltage (see Table 1-1 for VIN range)
J4 VOUT VOUT screw terminal to connect load to output
J5 EXTBIAS Monitors internal LDO voltage or override internal LDO with external bias for improving efficiency
J7, J12 RED/+ Connector blocks to interface with Mini Slammer
J8 EN_ON 2-pin header for enable. Add shunt to connect EN to PVIN and enable device. Remove shunt to disable device.
J9 PGND Power ground test point.
J13 USB2GPIO I2C interface connector to connect the USB-to-GPIO interface adapter to the EVM.
J14 IIN_EXT Screw terminal to apply an external voltage source for input power telemetry.
J15 ADDR/SS Pin header block to select default I2C address
J16 PG_PULLUP PGOOD pullup pin. 2-pin header to pull up PGOOD to VCC
J17 CLK 2-pin header for CLK line
J18 DIO 2-pin header for SVID bi-directional data pin
J19 ALT 2-pin header for ALERT line
Table 3-2 Test Points
Red PVIN_SNS Positive side of input voltage sensing point
Red EN Monitors enable pin
Red VCCIO External 1-V pullup for SVID
Red BOOT Monitors the boostrap capacitor voltage
Red VINSENP/AVIN Positive voltage of the power sense resistor on the input power telemetry
Red VO_EFF Excellent output voltage sense point to measure efficiency
Red VO_REG Monitors the output voltage
Red SW Monitors output switching terminal of the power converter
Red VINSENM/VCC Voltage reference point of the power sense resistor on the input power telemetry
Red EXTBIAS Monitors the voltage on EXBIAS
Red VCC/VDRV Monitors the voltage on VCC/VDRV
Red PG Monitors the power good signal
White BODE-CH1 Inject frequency from the frequency response analyzer
White BODE-CH2 Measurement point of the receiving end from the frequency response analyzer
Black PGND_SNS Reference side of input voltage sensing point
Black GOSNS Remote sense reference for PGND
Black GND Power ground test point
Black AGND Analog ground test point
Black PGND_EFF Excellent output voltage reference sense point to measure efficiency
Black GND_REG Output voltage PGND sense point
TP1 VOUT Monitors output voltage
TP2 SW Monitors output switching terminal of the power converter
TP19 EN Monitors enable pin
TP25 IIN_EXT S+ Remote sense for the bias voltage used to supply the input power telemetry
TP26 IIN_EXT S- Negative remote sense for the input power telemetry
TP27 CAT_FAULT Monitors the catastrophic fault indicator. Signal asserts low when any catastrophic fault even such as overvoltage, overtemperature, and output overcurrent happens. During normal operations, this test point holds high.