SPRACV3 December   2020 AM6412 , AM6422 , AM6442


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Simulations
    1. 1.1 SerDes
      1. 1.1.1 Introduction
      2. 1.1.2 Simulator Settings and Model Usage
      3. 1.1.3 Simulation Parameters
      4. 1.1.4 Simulation Methodology
      5. 1.1.5 Reviewing Simulation Results
  3. 2Models
    1. 2.1 IBIS-AMI Model Kit
    2. 2.2 The Kit Structure
    3. 2.3 Contents of the Kit
    4. 2.4 IBIS Analog Models
    5. 2.5 Algorithmic Models
      1. 2.5.1 Transmitter (Tx) Model
        1.  TX AMI Parameters for Gen 1
        2.  TX AMI Parameters for Gen 2
        3.  TX AMI Parameters for Gen 3
        4.  TX AMI Parameters for Sgmii
        5.  TX AMI Parameters for Qsgmii
        6.  TX AMI Parameters for USB3.0
        7.  TX AMI Parameters for USB3.1
        8.  TX AMI Parameters for USXGMII
        9.  TX AMI Parameters for Display Port
        10. Transmitter Specifications
        11. TX_Jitter Injection Parameters
      2. 2.5.2 Receiver (Rx) Model
        1. RX AMI Parameters
        2. Rx Jitter Injection Parameters
    6. 2.6 Valid Simulation Condition
    7. 2.7 Eye Mask Requirement

Transmitter (Tx) Model

The Tx model has a 3-tap Feed Forward Equalizer (FFE)

  • Fixed tap settings are available as specified in the PCIe3.0 specification
  • Backchannel support is available
    • 1st tap is based on pre-cursor ISI delay error by 1UI
    • 2nd tap ensures that sum of all taps is equal to1
    • 3rd tap is set by back channel. The tap increment/decrement is with resolution of 32, steps from 0 to1.
    • self_adapt_ffe – This enables self adaptation of the FFE, and writes the optimized coefficients in the file self_adapt_ffe_coeff.txt. This parameter is to be used to mimic backchannel functionality.
Note: Formal backchannel capability is not currently supported in the IBIS specification.