SLUAAG7 October   2021 BQ25720


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Type-C Power Delivery (PD) Connection
    2. 1.2 Type-C Battery Charging Topologies
    3. 1.3 BQ25720 Overview
  3. 2Design Considerations for Notebook Applications
    1. 2.1 Vmin Active Protection (VAP)
    2. 2.2 Fast Role Swap (FRS)
    3. 2.3 Processor Hot Indication
    4. 2.4 Two-Level Battery Discharge Current Limit
    5. 2.5 Pass Through Mode (PTM) Operation
    6. 2.6 Seamless Mode Transition
    7. 2.7 Current and Power Monitor
    8. 2.8 Input Source Dynamic Power Management
    9. 2.9 Power Up USB Port From Battery (USB OTG)
  4. 3Test Results
  5. 4Summary
  6. 5References

Test Results

The following are the results tested using BQ25720EVM with a 2-cells battery.

In Figure 3-1 (left), when charge current is set to 1A and VBUS voltage increases from 5 V to 20 V, the operating modes transition from boost to buck-boost, then to buck mode. The charging current is always kept at 1A regardless of VBUS.

In Figure 3-1 (right), when charge current is set to 1A and VBUS voltage decreases from 20 V to 5 V, and operating modes transition from buck to buck-boost, then to boost mode. The charging current is always kept at 1A regardless of VBUS.

GUID-20210902-SS0I-W2K0-BL5K-3XR5RHTBKTHZ-low.png Figure 3-1 Seamless Transition Among Different Operation Modes

Figure 3-2 shows FRS transition waveform, which ensures that the power role swapping occurs in a timely manner to avoid experiencing momentary power loss or glitching.

GUID-20210902-SS0I-19QQ-HDHT-TFT52FFCNC65-low.png Figure 3-2 FRS Transition From Power Sink to Power Source