SLLT217 July   2022 ISO6721 , ISO6721-Q1 , ISO6742 , ISO6742-Q1 , ISO7721 , ISO7721-Q1 , ISO7742 , ISO7742-Q1 , ISO7821


  1. 11
  2. 2Design Considerations
  3. 3Recommended Parts

Recommended Parts

Part Number AEC-Q100 Supported UART Topology Voltage Range Data Rate Features
ISO6721 2-wire 1.71 - 5.5 V 50 Mbps High CMTI
Reinforced and basic isolation
General purpose
ISO6742 4-wire
ISO7721 2-wire 2.25- 5.5 V 100 Mbps High CMTI
Reinforced and basic isolation
ISO7742 4-wire
ISO7021 2-wire 1.71 - 5.5 V 4 Mbps Ultra-low power
ISO7821 2.25 - 5.5 V 100 Mbps Extra-wide creepage and clearance package

For more devices, browse through the online parametric tool where you can sort by desired voltage, channel numbers, and other features.