SLVK086A january   2022  – may 2023 TPS7H4003-SEP


  1.   1
  2.   Single-Event Effects Test Report of the TPS7H4003-SEP Synchronous Step-Down Converter
  3.   Trademarks
  4. Introduction
  5. Single-Event Effects (SEE)
  6. Device and Test Board Information
  7. Irradiation Facility and Setup
  8. Depth, Range, and LETEFF Calculation
  9. Test Setup and Procedures
  10. Destructive Single-Event Effects (DSEE)
    1. 7.1 Single-Event Latch-up (SEL) Results
    2. 7.2 Single-Event Burnout (SEB) and Single-Event Gate Rupture (SEGR) Results
  11. Single-Event Transients (SET)
  12. Event Rate Calculations
  13. 10Summary
  14.   A Appendix: Total Ionizing Dose From SEE Experiments
  15.   B Appendix: References
  16.   C Revision History

Irradiation Facility and Setup

The heavy-ion species used for the SEE studies on this product were provided and delivered by the TAMU Cyclotron Radiation Effects Facility using a superconducting cyclotron and an advanced electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source. At the fluxes used, ion beams had good flux stability and high irradiation uniformity over a 1-in diameter circular cross-sectional area for the in-air station. Uniformity is achieved by magnetic defocusing. The flux of the beam is regulated over a broad range spanning several orders of magnitude. For the bulk of these studies, ion flux of 105 ions/cm2·s were used to provide heavy-ion fluence of ≈107 ions/cm2.

For the experiments conducted on this report, Silver, 109Ag, ions at angle of incidence of 0° for an LETEFF of 48.2 MeV·cm2/mg were used. The total kinetic energy of 109Ag in the vacuum is 1.634 GeV (15 MeV/nucleon). Ion uniformity for these experiments was between 94% and 97%.

Figure 4-1 shows the TPS7H4003-SEP test board used for the experiments at the TAMU facility. Although not visible in this photo, the beam port has a 1-mil Aramica window to allow in-air testing while maintaining the vacuum within the accelerator with only minor ion energy loss. All trough-hole test points were soldered backwards for easy access of the signals while having enough room to change the angle of incidence and maintaining the 40-mm distance to the die. The in-air gap between the device and the ion beam port window was maintained at 40 mm for all runs.

GUID-20211207-SS0I-JK0J-4SQT-VMNMLNTPVTKQ-low.jpg Figure 4-1 Photograph of the TPS7H4003-SEP Daughter Card Mounted in Front of the Heavy-Ion Beam Exit Port at the Texas A&M Cyclotron