SLVK086A january   2022  – may 2023 TPS7H4003-SEP


  1.   1
  2.   Single-Event Effects Test Report of the TPS7H4003-SEP Synchronous Step-Down Converter
  3.   Trademarks
  4. Introduction
  5. Single-Event Effects (SEE)
  6. Device and Test Board Information
  7. Irradiation Facility and Setup
  8. Depth, Range, and LETEFF Calculation
  9. Test Setup and Procedures
  10. Destructive Single-Event Effects (DSEE)
    1. 7.1 Single-Event Latch-up (SEL) Results
    2. 7.2 Single-Event Burnout (SEB) and Single-Event Gate Rupture (SEGR) Results
  11. Single-Event Transients (SET)
  12. Event Rate Calculations
  13. 10Summary
  14.   A Appendix: Total Ionizing Dose From SEE Experiments
  15.   B Appendix: References
  16.   C Revision History

Event Rate Calculations

Event rates were calculated for LEO(ISS) and GEO environments by combining CREME96 orbital integral flux estimations and simplified SEE cross-sections according to methods described in Heavy Ion Orbital Environment Single-Event Effects Estimations application report. We assume a minimum shielding configuration of 100 mils (2.54 mm) of aluminum, and worst-week solar activity (this is similar to a 99% upper bound for the environment). Using the 95% upper-bounds for the SEL and the SEB/SEGR, the event rate calculation for the SEL and the SEB/SEGR is shown on Table 9-1 and Table 9-2, respectively.

Note: It is important to note that this number is for reference only. No SEL or SEB/SEGR events were observed.
Table 9-1 SEL Event Rate Calculations for Worst-Week LEO and GEO Orbits
Orbit Type Onset LETEFF (MeV-cm2/mg) CREME96 Integral FLUX (/day/cm2) σSAT (cm2) Event Rate (/day) Event Rate (FIT) MTBE (Years)
LEO (ISS) 48.2 4.44 × 10–4 7.38 × 10–8 3.27 × 10–11 1.36 × 10–3 8.36 × 107
GEO 1.45 × 10–3 1.07 × 10–10 4.47 × 10–3 2.55 × 107
Table 9-2 SEB/SEGR Event Rate Calculations for Worst-Week LEO and GEO Orbits
Orbit Type Onset LETEFF (MeV-cm2/mg) CREME96 Integral FLUX (/day/cm2) σSAT (cm2) Event Rate (/day) Event Rate (FIT) MTBE (Years)
LEO (ISS) 48.2 4.44 × 10–4 6.15 × 10–8 2.73 × 10–11 1.13 × 10–3 1.00 × 108
GEO 1.45 × 10–3 8.94 × 10–11 3.73 × 10–3 3.06 × 107
Table 9-3 SET Event Rate Calculations for Worst-Week LEO and GEO Orbits The even rate calculation for SET is based on the upper bound cross section for any type of SET.
Orbit Type Onset LETEFF (MeV-cm2/mg) CREME96 Integral FLUX (/day/cm2) σSAT (cm2) Event Rate (/day) Event Rate (FIT) MTBE (Years)
LEO (ISS) 48.2 4.44 × 10–4 3.14 × 10–6 1.39 × 10–9 5.81 × 10–2 1.96 × 106
GEO 1.45 × 10–3 4.57 × 10–9 1.90 × 10–1 5.99 × 105