SBOA551 June   2022 INA240


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
  4. 2One, Versus Two Reference Pins
  5. 3Bidirectional Current Sense Amplifier Topologies
    1. 3.1 Single-Stage Difference Amplifier
    2. 3.2 Difference Amplifier Input Followed by Noninverting Output Buffer
    3. 3.3 Voltage Feedback Multi-Stage Difference Amplifier
    4. 3.4 Single-Stage Current Feedback
    5. 3.5 Current Feedback Multi-Stage Difference Amplifier
    6. 3.6 Isolated Bidirectional Current Sensors
  6. 4Options for Driving Reference Pins and Input Referred Reference Error
  7. 5Resistor Divider as Reference
    1. 5.1 Resistor Divider and Equivalent Circuit
    2. 5.2 Reference Source Impedance Error in Difference Amplifier
    3. 5.3 Reference Source Impedance Error in Voltage Feedback Multi-Stage CSA
    4. 5.4 Reference Source Impedance Error in Current Feedback Multi-Stage CSA
    5. 5.5 Reference Source Impedance Error in Difference Amplifier with Output Buffer
  8. 6Examples
    1. 6.1 Calculating Reference Source Impedance Error in Difference Amplifier
    2. 6.2 Calculating Reference Source Impedance Error in Voltage Feedback Multi-Stage CSA
    3. 6.3 Calculating Reference Source Impedance Error in Current Feedback Multi-Stage CSA
  9. 7Summary

Reference Source Impedance Error in Voltage Feedback Multi-Stage CSA

High-performance CSAs are often found to be multi-stage. In between input and output, there could be additional gain stages for signal enhancement. If such a device is bidirectional, it generally comes with an output stage that is based on difference amplifier which accomplishes differential to single-ended conversion. This section builds upon what has previously been explored from single-stage difference amplifiers, and extrapolates that information to multi-stage CSAs.

Since the output stage is a difference amplifier, the output error Equation 12 still applies. Similar to the single-stage case, the external reference voltage is known, as well as the source impedance. However, for multi-stage, the input to the output difference amplifier is an internal node. Internal operating condition is generally not published in product data sheets. Both the common-mode and differential input voltages must be found to utilize the error equation.

Figure 5-4 Voltage Feedback Multi-Stage CSA Output Error

Figure 5-4 shows a two-stage voltage feedback CSA. The differential input is easy to calculate if the gain of each stage is known. This particular example is made up of two stages with gain of G1 and G2, respectively. The overall gain equals to the product of all gains:

Equation 13. G=G1×G2

The differential input to the output stage equals to the differential output of the input stage:

Equation 14. Vdiff_2=Vdiff×G1

The common-mode input is a value determined by design and is unique to the individual device. It is bound between ground and power supply for voltage compliance. Practical choices often put the common-mode voltage near mid supply. It should be noted that the common-mode operating point is independent of the input common-mode voltage of the device, which is the reason behind very high CMRR specifications of such devices.

Rewriting the output error equation, with Vcm2 being the common-mode voltage:

Equation 15. Vout_error=RxRi_2+Rf_21+RxRi_2+Rf_2-Vref_x+Vcm2+VdiffG12