

具有 Eco-mode 升压转换器的 0.13-1.4A 可调节 ILIMIT、1.8-5.25V、80mΩ USB 电源开关


Product type Adjustable current limit, Power switch, Switch with boost Vin (min) (V) 1.8 Vin (max) (V) 5.25 Continuous current (max) (A) 1.4 Current limit (A) 0.13 to 1.4 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Enable Active High Number of switches 1 Current limit accuracy at 1 A 0.2 Rating Catalog
Product type Adjustable current limit, Power switch, Switch with boost Vin (min) (V) 1.8 Vin (max) (V) 5.25 Continuous current (max) (A) 1.4 Current limit (A) 0.13 to 1.4 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Enable Active High Number of switches 1 Current limit accuracy at 1 A 0.2 Rating Catalog
VSON (DRC) 10 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • Integrated Synchronous Boost Converter and USB Current-Limit Power Switch
  • Light-Load, High-Efficiency Eco-mode™ Control Scheme (TPS2500)
    or Constant Frequency (TPS2501)
  • 1.8-V to 5.25-V Input Voltage (2.2-V Minimum Start-Up Voltage)
  • Adjustable USB Current Limit
    • 130 mA to 1400 mA (Typical)
  • Accurate 20% Current Limit at 1.4-A Setting
  • Powers up to Two Standard USB Ports
  • Auxiliary 5.1-V Output
  • Fast Overcurrent-Response Time – 5 µs Typical
  • Small 3-mm × 3-mm × 0.9-mm SON-10 Package
  • 15-kV / 8-kV System-Level ESD Capable
  • UL Listed - File No. E169910
    • Portable Applications Using Single Li+ Cell
    • USB Hosts Without Native 5-V Supplies

Eco-mode, PowerPAD are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Integrated Synchronous Boost Converter and USB Current-Limit Power Switch
  • Light-Load, High-Efficiency Eco-mode™ Control Scheme (TPS2500)
    or Constant Frequency (TPS2501)
  • 1.8-V to 5.25-V Input Voltage (2.2-V Minimum Start-Up Voltage)
  • Adjustable USB Current Limit
    • 130 mA to 1400 mA (Typical)
  • Accurate 20% Current Limit at 1.4-A Setting
  • Powers up to Two Standard USB Ports
  • Auxiliary 5.1-V Output
  • Fast Overcurrent-Response Time – 5 µs Typical
  • Small 3-mm × 3-mm × 0.9-mm SON-10 Package
  • 15-kV / 8-kV System-Level ESD Capable
  • UL Listed - File No. E169910
    • Portable Applications Using Single Li+ Cell
    • USB Hosts Without Native 5-V Supplies

Eco-mode, PowerPAD are trademarks of Texas Instruments.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The TPS2500 and TPS2501 provide an integrated solution to meet USB 5-V power requirements from a 1.8-V to 5.25-V input supply. The features include a Hi-Speed USB compliant power output, output switch enable, current limit, and overcurrent fault reporting.

The 1.8-V to 5.25-V input can be supplied by sources including dc/dc regulated supplies (e.g., 3.3 V), or batteries such as single-cell Li+ or three-cell NiCd, NiMH, or alkaline.

The USB power-switch current limit is programmable via an external resistor from as low as 130 mA to as high as 1400 mA (typical). Two standard USB ports can be supported from a single TPS2500 or TPS2501 at the 1400-mA setting.

Additionally, the boost converter output is available as an auxiliary 5.1-V output to power additional loads. The total current supplied by the USB output and the auxiliary cannot exceed 1148  mA at VIN = 3 V.

The TPS2500 and TPS2501 provide an integrated solution to meet USB 5-V power requirements from a 1.8-V to 5.25-V input supply. The features include a Hi-Speed USB compliant power output, output switch enable, current limit, and overcurrent fault reporting.

The 1.8-V to 5.25-V input can be supplied by sources including dc/dc regulated supplies (e.g., 3.3 V), or batteries such as single-cell Li+ or three-cell NiCd, NiMH, or alkaline.

The USB power-switch current limit is programmable via an external resistor from as low as 130 mA to as high as 1400 mA (typical). Two standard USB ports can be supported from a single TPS2500 or TPS2501 at the 1400-mA setting.

Additionally, the boost converter output is available as an auxiliary 5.1-V output to power additional loads. The total current supplied by the USB output and the auxiliary cannot exceed 1148  mA at VIN = 3 V.

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open-in-new 比较替代产品
TPS2501 正在供货 高电平有效且具有反向阻断功能的 0.13-1.4A 可调节具有恒定频率升压转换器的 ILIMIT 1.8-5.25V、80mΩ USB 电源开关 This product offers same functionality, pinout with constant frequency during light-load operation.


star =有关此产品的 TI 精选热门文档
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类型 标题 下载最新的英语版本 日期
选择指南 电源管理指南 2018 (Rev. K) 2018年 7月 31日
选择指南 电源管理指南 2018 (Rev. R) 2018年 6月 25日
选择指南 USB Type-A Power Switch and Charging Controller Selector Guide (Rev. F) 2018年 5月 24日
EVM 用户指南 TPS2500/1, Power-Distribution Switch With Low Voltage Input EVM 2009年 4月 24日




TPS2500EVM-337 — 具有低电压输入评估模块的用于 TPS2500 的配电开关

TPS2500DRCEVM 是用于德州仪器 (TI) 可调节限流配电开关系列的评估模块 (EVM)。这些 EVM 在 1.8V 至 5.25V 的电压范围内工作,可为 USB 设备提供 5V 的输出电压。板载跳线将输出限流设置为 0.5A 或 1A。测试点允许方便快捷地访问所有关键节点电压。PCB 板面上的丝印边框装有典型 USB 应用中常用的组件。TPS2500 采用带散热垫的 SON 封装。这些开关具有启用输入、过流状态输出和过热关断功能。

用户指南: PDF 上无现货

TPS65981EVM — TPS65981 USB Type-C® 和 USB 电力输送控制器、电源开关和高速多路复用器 EVM

TPS65981EVM 是一款适用于 USB Type-C 和电力输送应用的完整参考设计,具有可变直流/直流架构的特性,可优化电路板布局布线并更大限度地降低 BOM 成本。 此外,与 DP-EXPANSION-EVM 配合使用时,用户可模拟功能齐全的 USB Type-C PD 主机或设备。
用户指南: PDF 上无现货

USB-CTM-MINIDK-EVM — 支持视频和充电的 USB Type-C™ 微型底座板评估模块

Type-C 微型底座板旨在帮助评估支持视频和充电的 Type-C 底座实施方案。USB-C™ 底座是一款对接系统,能够支持跨 USB-C™ 连接的 USB 传输和默认 VBUS 的扩展功能。这款对接系统能够支持跨 USB-C™ 连接的 USB 传输和默认 VBUS 的扩展功能。此底座具有支持不同视频数据类型的协议转换器,包括 DisplayPort 到 HDMI 以及 DisplayPort 到 VGA 协议转换器。
用户指南: PDF | HTML 上无现货

TPS250X-CURRENT-LIMIT-CALC TPS2500 and TPS2501 Calculator



USB 电源开关和充电端口控制器
TPS2500 具有 Eco-mode 升压转换器的 0.13-1.4A 可调节 ILIMIT、1.8-5.25V、80mΩ USB 电源开关 TPS2501 高电平有效且具有反向阻断功能的 0.13-1.4A 可调节具有恒定频率升压转换器的 ILIMIT 1.8-5.25V、80mΩ USB 电源开关

TIDA-01243 — 支持视频和充电的 USB Type-C™ 和电力输送微型底座参考设计

USB Type-C® 和电力输送 (PD) 微型底座参考设计为 USB Type-C 底座提供参考,包括音频、USB 数据、电源和视频。本参考设计具有 2 英寸 x 4 英寸的小型外形,并通过主 USB Type-C PD 端口支持源电源和灌电流电源功能。视频输出功能包括 DisplayPort 和 HDMI。
设计指南: PDF
原理图: PDF

PMP40801 — 适用于个人电子产品应用的集线 USB Type-C® 电力输送参考设计

USB Type-C® 电力输送参考设计适用于个人电子产品或汽车类应用,其中支持 USB 电力输送 (USB PD) 的降压/升压转换器用于产生宽范围输出电压。TPS55288 同步降压/升压转换器用于将 12V 汽车电池电压或 19V 适配器电压转换为 USB-PD 电源轨。TPS65987DH 是一款具有集成电源路径的独立式 USB Type-C 和 PD 控制器,可根据 PD 协商结果,通过 I2C 接口自动设置 TPS55288 的输出。为提高效率和热性能,其输出规格为 5V 至 20V,在 19V 适配器输入下最大连续电流为 5A,在 12V 电池输入下最大连续电流为 3A。
测试报告: PDF
原理图: PDF
封装 引脚 CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型
VSON (DRC) 10 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 器件标识
  • 引脚镀层/焊球材料
  • MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
  • MTBF/时基故障估算
  • 材料成分
  • 鉴定摘要
  • 持续可靠性监测
  • 制造厂地点
  • 封装厂地点

