SNAA357 September   2022 LMX2820


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
  4. 2Test Results
  5. 3Summary
  6. 4References


This application note presented the test results of how fast the user can switch the RF signal output from two LMX2820s with a RF switch in a ping-pong architecture. LMX2820 only takes 10 ns to mute or unmute, the overall switching time is basically determined by the RF switch. With the chosen RF switch for use in this application note, the switching time is around 40 ns, which is still much shorter than a typical VCO frequency switching time of a synthesizer.

When muted, LMX2820 leakage is about 50 dBc. The RF switch provides another 40 dB isolation, making the overall system isolation to around 90 dB.

Table 3-1 Summary
Performance Metric LMX2820 LMX2820 + RF Switch
Isolation 50 dB 90 dB
Mute or unmute time 10 ns 40 ns