SLAA398A September   2008  – August 2018 MSP430F4794 , MSP430F4794


  1.   Using an MSP430™ MCU and TPS60313 to Implement a Single-Battery-Cell Powered Thermostat
    1.     Trademarks
    2. 1 Introduction
    3. 2 DC/DC Converter Basics – PIN vs POUT
    4. 3 TPS60313 Description and Features
    5. 4 MSP430 + Charge Pump Implementation for Single-Cell Thermostat
    6. 5 Thermostat Application Description
    7. 6 Current Measurements – Two Cell and Single Cell
    8. 7 Schematic
    9. 8 Conclusion
    10. 9 References
  2.   Revision History

Current Measurements – Two Cell and Single Cell

Current measurements were carried out to determine the ICC and IBatt of the MSP430 + TPS60313 one-cell thermostat system. They are summarized in Table 1 for the condition VCC = 3.0 V and VBatt = 1.5 V.

Table 1. IBatt and ICC Typical and Max

MSP430 State ICC (µA) IBatt (µA)
Typ Max Typ Max
LPM3 1.3 3 6 8
LCD_A (2 mux) 2.7 3.5 11 15
VMID+REF 385 600 1570 2446
SD16 730 1050 2700 3883
AM 420 560 1660 1876

Figure 6 shows when each of the one second processes is executed with respect to time. The total time required to run through count = 1 to count = 6 is six seconds.

current-profile-for-complete-6-second-cycle.gifFigure 6. Current Profile For Complete 6 Second Cycle

The average current consumption for each second is calculated by finding the area under I(t) vs t plot. Current required by each of the one-second processes is calculated based on the amount of the time spent by the MSP430 device in each of the states for which current consumption was measured (see Table 2).

Table 2. Current Consumption

Process A Current Sink IBatt (µA)
Typ Max
AM 7.50E-05 s 0.12 0.14
LPM3 1 – (7.50E-05) s 6 8
LCD_A (2 mux) 1 s 11 15
Total  17.1245 23.14
Process B Current Sink IBatt (µA)
Typ Max
AM 7.17E-04 s 1.19 1.35
Total  1.19 1.35
Process C Current Sink IBatt (µA)
Typ Max
AM 4.67E-03 s 7.75 8.76
VMID+REF 9.00E-04 s 1.41 2.2
SD16 9.00E-04 s 2.43 2.43
Total  11.6 13.39
Average Current IBatt (µA)
Typ Max
6 seconds (6A + B + C) 115.53 153.58
1 second (6A + B + C)/6 19.26 25.6

Finally, the expected battery life of the single-cell thermostat is calculated based on the mA•hr ratings given for Duracell AA and AAA batteries. The method for calculating the battery life is as follows.

First convert the battery rating of mA•hr to µA•sec.

µA•sec = (mA•hr) (1000 µA / 1 mA) (60 min / 1 hr) (60 sec / 1 min)

Then divide the battery rating in µA•sec by the average current consumption in µA for one second to get the estimated number of seconds the battery will last.

sec = µA•sec / µA

Now that the seconds are known, calculate the equivalent years:

years = (sec) (1 min / 60 sec) (1 hr / 60 min) (1 day / 24 hr) (1 year / 365 days)

Table 3. Typical and Minimum Expected Battery Life

Battery Type Battery Rating (mA•h) Battery Life (yrs)
Typical Min
AA 2850 16.90 12.71
AAA 1000 5.93 4.46

The results in Table 3 are based on the assumption that VBatt remains a constant 1.5 V throughout the battery’s lifetime. In reality, the voltage falls over time as the battery discharges, so the TPS60313 has been designed to be most efficient at 1.2 V, as this represents the battery’s average voltage over its lifetime. Optimizing for operation at 1.2 V helps to maximize the overall system lifetime.