



SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC32xx 软件开发套件 (SDK)

发布日期: 02 四月 2019

Link to Windows Installer for SimpleLink CC32XX SDK

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Link to macOS Installer for SimpleLink CC32XX SDK

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Link to Linux Installer for SimpleLink CC32XX SDK

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Link to Windows Installer for SimpleLink CC3x20 Service Pack

Link to Mac Installer for SimpleLink CC3x20 Service Pack

Link to Linux Installer for SimpleLink CC3x20 Service Pack

Link to Radio Tool for SimpleLink CC32XX SDK and SimpleLink SDK Wi-Fi Plug-In

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lock = 需要出口许可(1 分钟)
Wi-Fi 产品
CC3220MOD SimpleLink™ 32 位 Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ 无线模块 CC3220MODA 具有天线的 SimpleLink™ 32 位 Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ 无线模块 CC3220R 具有 6 个 TLS/SSL 插槽和 256kB RAM 的 SimpleLink™ 32 位 Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® 无线 MCU CC3220S 具有安全启动和 256kB RAM 的 SimpleLink™ 32 位 Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® 无线 MCU CC3220SF 具有 1MB 闪存和 256kB RAM 的 SimpleLink™ 32 位 Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® 无线 MCU CC3230S 具有 256KB RAM、共存性、WPA3、16 个 TLS 插槽和安全启动的 SimpleLink™ Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® MCU CC3230SF 具有 256kB RAM+1MB XIP 闪存、共存性、WPA3、16 个 TLS 插槽和安全启动的 SimpleLink™ Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® MCU CC3235MODAS SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ 双频带无线天线模块解决方案 CC3235MODASF 具有 1MB XIP 闪存的 SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ 双频带无线天线模块 CC3235MODS 具有 256kB RAM 闪存的 SimpleLink™ 32 位 Arm Cortex-M4 双频带 Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ 无线模块 CC3235MODSF 具有 1MB 闪存的 SimpleLink™ 32 位 Arm Cortex-M4 双频带 Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ 无线模块 CC3235S 具有 256kB RAM 的 SimpleLink™ 32 位 Arm Cortex-M4 双频带 Wi-Fi® 无线 MCU CC3235SF 具有 1MB 闪存的 SimpleLink™ 32 位 Arm Cortex-M4 双频带 Wi-Fi® 无线 MCU
CC3220S-LAUNCHXL CC3220S LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ wireless MCU CC3220SF-LAUNCHXL CC3220SF LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ wireless MCU LAUNCHCC3220MODASF SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC3220MODASF LaunchPad™ 开发套件 LAUNCHCC3235MOD SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC3235MODSF LaunchPad™ 开发套件 LAUNCHXL-CC3235S CC3235S dual-band LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ MCU LAUNCHXL-CC3235SF CC3235SF dual-band LaunchPad™ development kit for Wi-Fi® SimpleLink™ MCU


SimpleLink CC32XX SDK Documentation


Click on the links in the table above to download. The SimpleLink Wi-Fi SDK delivers components that enable engineers to develop connected applications on Texas Instruments Wi-Fi micro-controller devices. The product is comprised of multiple software components and examples of how to use these components together. In addition, examples are provided to demonstrate the use of each functional area and each supported device and as a starting point for your own projects.

For CC3220 SDK versions 2.30 and earlier, please see the CC3220 SDK download page.


SimpleLink SDK

  • MDNS updates to support BCT 1.4 certification
  • SimpleLink host driver - please refer to the Doxygen for full API information and usage
    • Added API to retrieve the beacon interval and DTIM count when connected to an Access Point (sl_WlanGet)
    • Added API to retrieve device time/power statistics from the MAC layer and the network processor (sl_DeviceGet)
  • Various bug fixes

SimpleLink CC3x20 Service Pack - Released June 3, 2019

  • Fixed critical CC3220/CC3120 NWP Issue which resulted in error and halt of execution, where the error state was persistent across device reset. This issue required a use case where the fast connect feature is enabled on the affected devices, and the AP that the device is connected to has at least two of the following authentication modes enabled: WPA2/PSK, WPA2/EAP, WPA2/FT using PSK (802.11r fast transition/fast roaming)