
DSP type 1 C54x DSP (max) (MHz) 80 CPU 16-bit Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) to
DSP type 1 C54x DSP (max) (MHz) 80 CPU 16-bit Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) to
LQFP (PGE) 144 484 mm² 22 x 22
  • Advanced Multibus Architecture With Three Separate 16-Bit Data Memory Buses and One Program Memory Bus
  • 40-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Including a 40-Bit Barrel Shifter and Two Independent 40-Bit Accumulators
  • 17-× 17-Bit Parallel Multiplier Coupled to a 40-Bit Dedicated Adder for Non-Pipelined Single-Cycle Multiply/Accumulate (MAC) Operation
  • Compare, Select, and Store Unit (CSSU) for the Add/Compare Selection of the Viterbi Operator
  • Exponent Encoder to Compute an Exponent Value of a 40-Bit Accumulator Value in a Single Cycle
  • Two Address Generators With Eight Auxiliary Registers and Two Auxiliary Register Arithmetic Units (ARAUs)
  • Data Bus With a Bus Holder Feature
  • Address Bus With a Bus Holder Feature
  • Extended Addressing Mode for 8M × 16-Bit Maximum Addressable External Program Space
  • 192K× 16-Bit Maximum Addressable Memory Space (64K Words Program,
    64K Words Data, and 64K Words I/O)
  • On-Chip ROM with Some Configurable to Program/Data Memory
  • Dual-Access On-Chip RAM
  • Single-Access On-Chip RAM
  • Single-Instruction Repeat and Block-Repeat Operations for Program Code
  • Block-Memory-Move Instructions for Better Program and Data Management
  • Instructions With a 32-Bit Long Word Operand
  • Instructions With Two- or Three-Operand Reads
  • Arithmetic Instructions With Parallel Store and Parallel Load
  • Conditional Store Instructions
  • Fast Return From Interrupt
  • On-Chip Peripherals
    • Software-Programmable Wait-State Generator and Programmable Bank Switching
    • On-Chip Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) Clock Generator With Internal Oscillator or External Clock Source
    • Time-Division Multiplexed (TDM) Serial Port
    • Buffered Serial Port (BSP)
    • 8-Bit Parallel Host Port Interface (HPI)
    • One 16-Bit Timer
    • External-Input/Output (XIO) Off Control to Disable the External Data Bus, Address Bus and Control Signals
  • Power Consumption Control With IDLE1, IDLE2, and IDLE3 Instructions With Power-Down Modes
  • CLKOUT Off Control to Disable CLKOUT
  • On-Chip Scan-Based Emulation Logic, IEEE Std 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary Scan Logic
  • 15-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction Execution Time (66 MIPS) for 3.3-V Power Supply
  • 12.5-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction Execution Time (80 MIPS) for 3.3-V Power Supply

    IEEE Standard 1149.1-1990 Standard-Test-Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture.

  • Advanced Multibus Architecture With Three Separate 16-Bit Data Memory Buses and One Program Memory Bus
  • 40-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Including a 40-Bit Barrel Shifter and Two Independent 40-Bit Accumulators
  • 17-× 17-Bit Parallel Multiplier Coupled to a 40-Bit Dedicated Adder for Non-Pipelined Single-Cycle Multiply/Accumulate (MAC) Operation
  • Compare, Select, and Store Unit (CSSU) for the Add/Compare Selection of the Viterbi Operator
  • Exponent Encoder to Compute an Exponent Value of a 40-Bit Accumulator Value in a Single Cycle
  • Two Address Generators With Eight Auxiliary Registers and Two Auxiliary Register Arithmetic Units (ARAUs)
  • Data Bus With a Bus Holder Feature
  • Address Bus With a Bus Holder Feature
  • Extended Addressing Mode for 8M × 16-Bit Maximum Addressable External Program Space
  • 192K× 16-Bit Maximum Addressable Memory Space (64K Words Program,
    64K Words Data, and 64K Words I/O)
  • On-Chip ROM with Some Configurable to Program/Data Memory
  • Dual-Access On-Chip RAM
  • Single-Access On-Chip RAM
  • Single-Instruction Repeat and Block-Repeat Operations for Program Code
  • Block-Memory-Move Instructions for Better Program and Data Management
  • Instructions With a 32-Bit Long Word Operand
  • Instructions With Two- or Three-Operand Reads
  • Arithmetic Instructions With Parallel Store and Parallel Load
  • Conditional Store Instructions
  • Fast Return From Interrupt
  • On-Chip Peripherals
    • Software-Programmable Wait-State Generator and Programmable Bank Switching
    • On-Chip Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) Clock Generator With Internal Oscillator or External Clock Source
    • Time-Division Multiplexed (TDM) Serial Port
    • Buffered Serial Port (BSP)
    • 8-Bit Parallel Host Port Interface (HPI)
    • One 16-Bit Timer
    • External-Input/Output (XIO) Off Control to Disable the External Data Bus, Address Bus and Control Signals
  • Power Consumption Control With IDLE1, IDLE2, and IDLE3 Instructions With Power-Down Modes
  • CLKOUT Off Control to Disable CLKOUT
  • On-Chip Scan-Based Emulation Logic, IEEE Std 1149.1 (JTAG) Boundary Scan Logic
  • 15-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction Execution Time (66 MIPS) for 3.3-V Power Supply
  • 12.5-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction Execution Time (80 MIPS) for 3.3-V Power Supply

    IEEE Standard 1149.1-1990 Standard-Test-Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture.

The TMS320LC548 fixed-point, digital signal processor (DSP) (hereafter referred to as the '548) is based on an advanced modified Harvard architecture that has one program memory bus and three data memory buses. The processor also provides an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) that has a high degree of parallelism, application-specific hardware logic, on-chip memory, and additional on-chip peripherals. The '548 also utilizes a highly specialized instruction set, which is the basis of its operational flexibility and speed.

Separate program and data spaces allow simultaneous access to program instructions and data, providing the high degree of parallelism. Two reads and one write operation can be performed in a single cycle. Instructions with parallel store and application-specific instructions can fully utilize this architecture. In addition, data can be transferred between data and program spaces. Such parallelism supports a powerful set of arithmetic, logic, and bit-manipulation operations that can all be performed in a single machine cycle. In addition, the '548 includes the control mechanisms to manage interrupts, repeated operations, and function calls.

This data sheet contains the pin layouts, signal descriptions, and electrical specifications for the TMS320VC548 DSP. For additional information, see the TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processors data sheet (literature number SPRS039). The SPRS039 is considered a family functional overview and should be used in conjunction with this data sheet.

The '548 signal descriptions table lists each terminal name, function, and operating mode(s) for the 144-pin thin quad flatpack (TQFP).

The letter B in front of CLKRn, FSRn, DRn, CLKXn, FSXn, and DXn pin names denotes buffered serial port (BSP), where n = 0 or 1 port. The letter T in front of CLKR, FSR, DR, CLKX, FSX, and DX pin names denotes time-division multiplexed (TDM) serial port.

The pin assignments table to follow lists each signal quadrant and BGA ball pin number for the 144-pin BGA package.

The '548 signal descriptions table lists each terminal name, function, and operating mode(s) for the TMS320LC548GGU.

The TMS320LC548 fixed-point, digital signal processor (DSP) (hereafter referred to as the '548) is based on an advanced modified Harvard architecture that has one program memory bus and three data memory buses. The processor also provides an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) that has a high degree of parallelism, application-specific hardware logic, on-chip memory, and additional on-chip peripherals. The '548 also utilizes a highly specialized instruction set, which is the basis of its operational flexibility and speed.

Separate program and data spaces allow simultaneous access to program instructions and data, providing the high degree of parallelism. Two reads and one write operation can be performed in a single cycle. Instructions with parallel store and application-specific instructions can fully utilize this architecture. In addition, data can be transferred between data and program spaces. Such parallelism supports a powerful set of arithmetic, logic, and bit-manipulation operations that can all be performed in a single machine cycle. In addition, the '548 includes the control mechanisms to manage interrupts, repeated operations, and function calls.

This data sheet contains the pin layouts, signal descriptions, and electrical specifications for the TMS320VC548 DSP. For additional information, see the TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processors data sheet (literature number SPRS039). The SPRS039 is considered a family functional overview and should be used in conjunction with this data sheet.

The '548 signal descriptions table lists each terminal name, function, and operating mode(s) for the 144-pin thin quad flatpack (TQFP).

The letter B in front of CLKRn, FSRn, DRn, CLKXn, FSXn, and DXn pin names denotes buffered serial port (BSP), where n = 0 or 1 port. The letter T in front of CLKR, FSR, DR, CLKX, FSX, and DX pin names denotes time-division multiplexed (TDM) serial port.

The pin assignments table to follow lists each signal quadrant and BGA ball pin number for the 144-pin BGA package.

The '548 signal descriptions table lists each terminal name, function, and operating mode(s) for the TMS320LC548GGU.

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star =有关此产品的 TI 精选热门文档
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类型 标题 下载最新的英语版本 日期
* 数据表 TMS320LC548 Fixed-Point DSP 数据表 1999年 12月 30日
* 勘误表 Addendum To The TMS320C54x D.S (SPRU039B&C) For The TMS320LC548-80 (Rev. C) 1999年 3月 30日
应用手册 Designing the TMS320C548/9 DSP Development Board 1998年 6月 25日
应用手册 Calculation of TMS320LC54x Power Dissipation 1997年 6月 1日



封装 引脚 CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型
LQFP (PGE) 144 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 器件标识
  • 引脚镀层/焊球材料
  • MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
  • MTBF/时基故障估算
  • 材料成分
  • 鉴定摘要
  • 持续可靠性监测
  • 制造厂地点
  • 封装厂地点

