14-pin (D) package image

TLE2064AID 已停产

四通道、36V、2MHz、输入接近 V+、1.5mV 失调电压、JFET 输入运算放大器

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OPA4991IDR 正在供货 四通道、40V、4.5MHz、低功耗运算放大器
TLE2064AIDR 正在供货 四通道、36V、2MHz、输入接近 V+、1.5mV 失调电压、JFET 输入运算放大器 Replacement


数量 价格

其他包装数量 | 包装选项 这些产品完全相同,仅包装类型不同

TLE2064AIDR 正在供货 custom-reels 定制 可提供定制卷带
包装数量 | 包装 2,500 | LARGE T&R
数量 | 价格 1ku | +



  • 美国 ECCN:EAR99

更多 TLE2064A 信息


封装 | 引脚 SOIC (D) | 14
工作温度范围 (°C) -40 to 85
包装数量 | 包装 50 | TUBE

TLE2064A 的特性

  • 2× Bandwidth (2 MHz) of the TL06x and TL03x Operational Amplifiers
  • Low Supply Current ... 290 µA/Ch Typ
  • On-chip Offset Voltage Trimming for Improved DC Performance
  • High Output Drive, Specified into 100- Loads
  • Lower Noise Floor Than Earlier Generations of Low-Power BiFETs

TLE2064A 的说明

The TLE206x series of low-power JFET-input operational amplifiers doubles the bandwidth of the earlier generation TL06x and TL03x BiFET families without significantly increasing power consumption. Texas Instruments Excalibur process also delivers a lower noise floor than the TL06x and TL03x. On-chip zener trimming of offset voltage yields precision grades for dc-coupled applications. The TL206x devices are pin-compatible with other TI BiFETs; they can be used to double the bandwidth of TL06x and TL03x circuits, or to reduce power consumption of TL05x, TL07x, and TL08x circuits by nearly 90%.

BiFET operational amplifiers offer the inherently-higher input impedance of the JFET-input transistors, without sacrificing the output drive associated with bipolar amplifiers. This makes them better suited for interfacing with high-impedance sensors or very low-level ac signals. They also feature inherently better ac response than bipolar or CMOS devices having comparable power consumption. The TLE206x family features a high-output-drive circuit capable of driving 100- loads at supplies as low as ±5 V. This makes them uniquely suited for driving transformer loads in modems and other applications requiring good ac characteristics, low power, and high output drive.

Because BiFET operational amplifiers are designed for use with dual power supplies, care must be taken to observe common-mode input voltage limits and output swing when operating from a single supply. DC biasing of the input signal is required and loads should be terminated to a virtual ground node at mid-supply. Texas Instruments TLE2426 integrated virtual ground generator is useful when operating BiFET amplifiers from single supplies.

The TLE206x are fully specified at ±15 V and ±5 V. For operation in low-voltage and/or single-supply systems, Texas Instruments LinCMOS families of operational amplifiers (TLC- and TLV-prefixes) are recommended. When moving from BiFET to CMOS amplifiers, particular attention should be paid to slew rate and bandwidth requirements, and output loading. The Texas Instrument TLV2432 and TLV2442 CMOS operational amplifiers are excellent choices to consider.


数量 价格

其他包装数量 | 包装选项 这些产品完全相同,仅包装类型不同

TLE2064AIDR 正在供货 custom-reels 定制 可提供定制卷带
包装数量 | 包装 2,500 | LARGE T&R
数量 | 价格 1ku | +



定制卷带是从整盘卷带上剪下来的具有连续长度的剪切带,是一种可以对特定数量提供产品批次及生产日期跟踪的包装方式。根据行业标准,使用黄铜垫片在剪切带两端各连接一个 18 英寸的引带和尾带,以直接送入自动组装机。涉及定制卷带的 TI 订单将包含卷带费用。

剪切带是从整盘卷带上剪下来的特定长度的编带。根据所申请器件数量的不同,TI 可能会使用多条剪切带或多个盒子进行包装。

TI 通常会根据库存情况选择将管装托盘器件以盒装或者管装或托盘形式发货。所有器件均会按照 TI 内部规定的静电放电和湿敏等级保护要求进行包装。



