SPRZ295Q April   2009  – January 2019 TMS320F28030 , TMS320F28030-Q1 , TMS320F28031 , TMS320F28031-Q1 , TMS320F28032 , TMS320F28032-Q1 , TMS320F28033 , TMS320F28033-Q1 , TMS320F28034 , TMS320F28034-Q1 , TMS320F28035 , TMS320F28035-EP , TMS320F28035-Q1


  1.   TMS320F2803x Piccolo MCUs Silicon Revisions A, 0
    1. 1 Introduction
    2. 2 Device and Development Support Tool Nomenclature
    3. 3 Device Markings
    4. 4 Usage Notes and Known Design Exceptions to Functional Specifications
      1. 4.1 Usage Notes
        1. 4.1.1 PIE: Spurious Nested Interrupt After Back-to-Back PIEACK Write and Manual CPU Interrupt Mask Clear Usage Note
        2. 4.1.2 CAN Bootloader: Internal Oscillator Tolerance is Not Sufficient for CAN Operation at High Temperatures
        3. 4.1.3 Flash: MAX "Program Time” and “Erase Time” in Revision L of the TMS320F2803x Piccolo™ Microcontrollers Data Manual are only Applicable for Devices Manufactured After April 2017
      2. 4.2 Known Design Exceptions to Functional Specifications
    5. 5 Documentation Support
  2.   Trademarks
  3.   Revision History

Known Design Exceptions to Functional Specifications

Table 3. Table of Contents for Advisories

  • Advisory - ADC: Temperature Sensor Minimum Sample Window RequirementGo
  • Advisory - ADC: DC Specifications: Linearity LimitationGo
  • Advisory - ADC: Offset Self-Recalibration Requirement Go
  • Advisory - ADC: ADC Result Conversion When Sampling Ends on 14th Cycle of Previous Conversion, ACQPS = 6 or 7Go
  • Advisory - ADC: Initial ConversionGo
  • Advisory - ADC: ADC can Become Non-Responsive When ADCNONOVERLAP or RESET is Written During a ConversionGo
  • Advisory - ADC: New ADC Control Bits Added to Revision A SiliconGo
  • Advisory - ADC: Out-of-Specification Current Consumption on Power UpGo
  • Advisory - Memory: Prefetching Beyond Valid Memory Go
  • Advisory - GPIO: GPIO QualificationGo
  • Advisory - Code Security Module: Memory Access Conflicts With Code Security Module (CSM) PWL RegistersGo
  • Advisory - eCAN: Abort Acknowledge Bit Not SetGo
  • Advisory - eCAN: Unexpected Cessation of Transmit OperationGo
  • Advisory - LIN: SCI Operation in Multi-Buffer ModeGo
  • Advisory - LIN: Possible Data Corruption in Extended Frame ModeGo
  • Advisory - LIN: LIN Transmission is Affected if Previous Transmission was not Complete due to Bit Error (BE) During Checksum Field in Single Buffer ModeGo
  • Advisory - LIN: TOA3WUP Gets Flagged When New Header is Received During Wait Time of 1.5 sGo
  • Advisory - LIN: Frame Error (FE) During Checksum Byte Restarts Reception. A Frame Error is Flagged if a New Header is Received.Go
  • Advisory - LIN: When LIN Slave Adapts Itself to a Faster Incoming Header, No Response Error (NRE)/Time-out Might not get Flagged Within Expected Time FrameGo
  • Advisory - LIN: LIN Rejects a Valid Byte Followed Upon After a False Start BitGo
  • Advisory - LIN: Incomplete Synch Field Reception Results in Loss of Next HeaderGo
  • Advisory - LIN: When a Slave Receives a Wake-up Request With Length > 500 µs, it Does Not Transmit a Response to the First Header Following the Wake-upGo
  • Advisory - LIN: Incomplete Frame Header Consisting of Only Sync Break Will Cause the Following Complete Header to be not Received by Slave Go
  • Advisory - Zero-Pin Oscillator: Modification to Oscillator Frequency ParameterGo
  • Advisory - Watchdog: Incorrect Operation of CPU Watchdog When WDCLK Source is OSCCLKSRC2Go
  • Advisory - Oscillator: CPU Clock Switching to INTOSC2 May Result in Missing Clock Condition After ResetGo
  • Advisory - eQEP: Missed First Index EventGo
  • Advisory - eQEP: Position Counter Incorrectly Reset on Direction Change During IndexGo
  • Advisory - eQEP: eQEP Inputs in GPIO Asynchronous ModeGo
  • Advisory - ePWM: An ePWM Glitch can Occur if a Trip Remains Active at the End of the Blanking WindowGo
  • Advisory - Boot ROM: Flash API [Flash_Erase( ) Function]Go
  • Advisory - Boot-ROM: eCAN Boot Mode Not Available on TMX SamplesGo

Table 4 shows which silicon revision(s) are affected by each advisory.

Table 4. List of Advisories

0 A
ADC: Temperature Sensor Minimum Sample Window Requirement Yes Yes
ADC: DC Specifications: Linearity Limitation Yes Yes
ADC: Offset Self-Recalibration Requirement Yes Yes
ADC: ADC Result Conversion When Sampling Ends on 14th Cycle of Previous Conversion, ACQPS = 6 or 7 Yes Yes
ADC: Initial Conversion Yes Yes
ADC: ADC can Become Non-Responsive When ADCNONOVERLAP or RESET is Written During a Conversion Yes Yes
ADC: New ADC Control Bits Added to Revision A Silicon Yes
ADC: Out-of-Specification Current Consumption on Power Up Yes
Memory: Prefetching Beyond Valid Memory Yes Yes
GPIO: GPIO Qualification Yes Yes
Code Security Module: Memory Access Conflicts With Code Security Module (CSM) PWL Registers Yes Yes
eCAN: Abort Acknowledge Bit Not Set Yes Yes
eCAN: Unexpected Cessation of Transmit Operation Yes Yes
LIN: SCI Operation in Multi-Buffer Mode Yes Yes
LIN: Possible Data Corruption in Extended Frame Mode Yes Yes
LIN: LIN Transmission is Affected if Previous Transmission was not Complete due to Bit Error (BE) During Checksum Field in Single Buffer Mode Yes Yes
LIN: TOA3WUP Gets Flagged When New Header is Received During Wait Time of 1.5 s Yes Yes
LIN: Frame Error (FE) During Checksum Byte Restarts Reception. A Frame Error is Flagged if a New Header is Received. Yes Yes
LIN: When LIN Slave Adapts Itself to a Faster Incoming Header, No Response Error (NRE)/Time-out Might not get Flagged Within Expected Time Frame Yes Yes
LIN: LIN Rejects a Valid Byte Followed Upon After a False Start Bit Yes Yes
LIN: Incomplete Synch Field Reception Results in Loss of Next Header Yes Yes
LIN: When a Slave Receives a Wake-up Request With Length > 500 μs, it Does Not Transmit a Response to the First Header Following the Wake-up Yes Yes
LIN: Incomplete Frame Header Consisting of Only Sync Break Will Cause the Following Complete Header to be not Received by Slave Yes Yes
Zero-Pin Oscillator: Modification to Oscillator Frequency Parameter Yes Yes
Watchdog: Incorrect Operation of CPU Watchdog When WDCLK Source is OSCCLKSRC2 Yes Yes
Oscillator: CPU Clock Switching to INTOSC2 May Result in Missing Clock Condition After Reset Yes Yes
eQEP: Missed First Index Event Yes Yes
eQEP: Position Counter Incorrectly Reset on Direction Change During Index Yes Yes
eQEP: eQEP Inputs in GPIO Asynchronous Mode Yes Yes
ePWM: An ePWM Glitch can Occur if a Trip Remains Active at the End of the Blanking Window Yes Yes
Boot ROM: Flash API [Flash_Erase( ) Function] Yes Yes
Boot-ROM: eCAN Boot Mode Not Available on TMX Samples Yes
ADC: Temperature Sensor Minimum Sample Window Requirement
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


If the minimum sample window is used (6 ADC clocks at 60 MHz, 116.67 ns), the result of a temperature sensor conversion can have a large error, making it unreliable for the system.


  1. If double-sampling of the temperature sensor is used to avoid the corrupted first sample issue, the temperature sensor result is valid. This is equivalent to giving the S/H circuit adequate time to charge.
  2. In all other conditions, the sample-and-hold window used to sample the temperature sensor should not be less than 550 ns.

ADC: DC Specifications: Linearity Limitation
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


The linearity degrades with increasing temperature in the upper half of the transfer function.


The impact from this limitation has been addressed in the revision A silicon. The following features have been added:

  1. ADC clock divider-by-2 enable bit. At 60 MHz, the effective sample rate will be
    2.3 MSPS. This offers a 30-MHz ADC and a 60-MHz system clock, and improves linearity.
  2. Existing pipeline mode with 4.6 MSPS at 60-MHz system clock will have improved linearity compared to revision 0 silicon.


For 60-MHz operation, there are periodic missing codes, and INL will be bounded by ±28 LSBs MAX/MIN.

For 30-MHz operation, see the TMS320F2803x Piccolo™ Microcontrollers Data Manual.

ADC: Offset Self-Recalibration Requirement
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


The factory offset calibration from Device_cal() may not ensure that the ADC offset remains within specifications under all operating conditions in the customer's system.


  • To ensure that the offset remains within the data sheet's “single recalibration” specifications, perform the AdcOffsetSelfCal() function after Device_cal() has completed and the ADC has been configured.
  • To ensure that the offset remains within the data sheet's “periodic recalibration” specifications, perform the AdcOffsetSelfCal() function periodically with respect to temperature drift.

For more details on AdcOffsetSelfCal(), refer to the “ADC Zero Offset Calibration” section of the Analog-to-Digital Converter and Comparator chapter in the TMS320F2803x Piccolo Technical Reference Manual.

ADC: ADC Result Conversion When Sampling Ends on 14th Cycle of Previous Conversion, ACQPS = 6 or 7
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


The on-chip ADC takes 13 ADC clock cycles to complete a conversion after the sampling phase has ended. The result is then presented to the CPU on the 14th cycle post-sampling and latched on the 15th cycle into the ADC result registers. If the next conversion's sampling phase terminates on this 14th cycle, the results latched by the CPU into the result register are not assured to be valid across all operating conditions.


Some workarounds are as follows:

  • Due to the nature of the sampling and conversion phases of the ADC, there are only two values of ACQPS (which controls the sampling window) that would result in the above condition occurring—ACQPS = 6 or 7. One solution is to avoid using these values in ACQPS.
  • When the ADCNONOVERLAP feature (bit 1 in ADCTRL2 register) is used, the above condition will never be met; so the user is free to use any value of ACQPS desired.
  • Depending on the frequency of ADC sampling used in the system, the user can determine if their system will hit the above condition if the system requires the use of ACQPS = 6 or 7. For instance, if the converter is continuously converting with ACQPS = 6, the above condition will never be met because the end of the sampling phase will always fall on the 13th cycle of the current conversion in progress.

ADC: Initial Conversion
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


When the ADC conversions are initiated by any source of trigger in either sequential or simultaneous sampling mode, the first sample may not be the correct conversion result.


For sequential mode, discard the first sample at the beginning of every series of conversions. For instance, if the application calls for a given series of conversions, SOC0→SOC1→SOC2, to initiate periodically, then set up the series instead as SOC0→SOC1→SOC2→SOC3 and only use the last three conversions, ADCRESULT1, ADCRESULT2, ADCRESULT3, thereby discarding ADCRESULT0.

For simultaneous sample mode, discard the first sample of both the A and B channels at the beginning of every series of conversions.

User application should validate if this workaround is acceptable in their application.

The following is applicable to the revision A silicon:

  • For 30-MHz operation and below, this is fixed completely by writing a 1 to the ADCNONOVERLAP and CLKDIV2EN bits in the ADCTRL2 register. This will give a 30-MHz ADC clock when the CPU clock = 60 MHz, and will only allow the sampling of ADC channels when the ADC is finished with any pending conversion.

ADC: ADC can Become Non-Responsive When ADCNONOVERLAP or RESET is Written During a Conversion
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


The ADC can get into a non-responsive state when the ADCCTL2[ADCNONOVERLAP] is modified while a conversion is in progress. When in this condition, no further conversion from the ADC will be possible without a device reset.

There are two different ways to cause this condition:

  • Writing to ADCCTL2[ADCNONOVERLAP] while a conversion is in progress.
  • Writing to ADCCTL1[RESET] while a conversion is in progress.


Follow this sequence to modify ADCCTL2[ADCNONOVERLAP] or write ADCCTL1[RESET]:

  1. Set all SOC trigger sources ADCSOCxCTL[TRIGSEL] to 0.
  2. Set all ADCINTSOCSEL1/2 to 0.
  3. Ensure there is not another SOC pending (This can be accomplished by polling SOC Flags).
  4. Wait for all conversions to complete.
    1. ADCCTL2[CLKDIV2EN] = 0, ADCCTL2[CLKDIV4EN] = x → (ACQPS + 13 ) * 1 SYSCLKs
    2. ADCCTL2[CLKDIV2EN] = 1, ADCCTL2[CLKDIV4EN] = 0 → (ACQPS + 13 ) * 2 SYSCLKs
    3. ADCCTL2[CLKDIV2EN] = 1, ADCCTL2[CLKDIV4EN] = 1 → (ACQPS + 13 ) * 4 SYSCLKs

An example code follows.

EALLOW; // Set all SOC trigger sources to software AdcRegs.ADCSOC0CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; AdcRegs.ADCSOC1CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; AdcRegs.ADCSOC2CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; AdcRegs.ADCSOC3CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; AdcRegs.ADCSOC4CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; AdcRegs.ADCSOC5CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; AdcRegs.ADCSOC6CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; AdcRegs.ADCSOC7CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; AdcRegs.ADCSOC8CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; AdcRegs.ADCSOC9CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; AdcRegs.ADCSOC10CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; AdcRegs.ADCSOC11CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; AdcRegs.ADCSOC12CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; AdcRegs.ADCSOC13CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; AdcRegs.ADCSOC14CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; AdcRegs.ADCSOC15CTL.bit. TRIGSEL = 0; // Set all ADCINTSOCSEL1/2 to 0. AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL1.bit.SOC0 = 0; AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL1.bit.SOC1 = 0; AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL1.bit.SOC2 = 0; AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL1.bit.SOC3 = 0; AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL1.bit.SOC4 = 0; AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL1.bit.SOC5 = 0; AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL1.bit.SOC6 = 0; AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL1.bit.SOC7 = 0; AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL2.bit.SOC8 = 0; AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL2.bit.SOC9 = 0; AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL2.bit.SOC10 = 0; AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL2.bit.SOC11 = 0; AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL2.bit.SOC12 = 0; AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL2.bit.SOC13 = 0; AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL2.bit.SOC14 = 0; AdcRegs.ADCINTSOCSEL2.bit.SOC15 = 0; // Ensure there is not another SOC pending while (AdcRegs.ADCSOCFLG1.all != 0x0); // Wait for conversions to complete // Delay time based on ACQPS = 6 , ADCCTL2[CLKDIV2EN] = 1, ADCCTL2[CLKDIV4EN] = 0 // 7 + 13 ADC Clocks = 20 ADCCLKS -> 40 SYSCLKS asm(" RPT#40||NOP"); // ADCCTL2[ADCNONOVERLAP] = <new value>; // ADCCTL1[RESET] = 1; EDIS;
ADC: New ADC Control Bits Added to Revision A Silicon
Revision(s) Affected



The following bits/features have been added to the ADC control registers in the revision A silicon [see the Analog-to-Digital Converter and Comparator chapter in the TMS320F2803x Piccolo Technical Reference Manual for more information]:

  1. Register ADCTL2 at address 0x7101, containing the following bits:
    • CLKDIV2EN, a /2 divide enable that scales CPU Clock by 1/2 for use by the ADC
    • ADCNONOVERLAP, a bit enable that removes the conversion/sample overlap timing
  2. Addition of bit field ONESHOT in the existing ADCSOCPRIORITYCTL register. When enabled, the ONESHOT bit field will only let the first SOC complete if multiple SOCs are received at the same time. This is applicable for all SOCs that are in Round-Robin Priority. SOCs in High-Priority mode are not effected by this function.


Not applicable

ADC: Out-of-Specification Current Consumption on Power Up
Revision(s) Affected



When the ADC module is powered up for the first time, it can consume 2x the current listed (IDDA) in the data manual until a sample is initiated.


Before the ADC is initially powered up, initiate a single conversion. Once the timing of the conversion has been satisfied, an ADC reset is recommended to restore the native state of the ADC before setting up the ADC as done before this addition. (Code is shown below.) If this amount of current can be tolerated by the system, then no change needs to be made to the setup code. Note that the current will go back to within data manual limits once the first conversion is processed by the ADC.

EALLOW; SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.ADCENCLK=1; //Enable Clocks to ADC module AdcRegs.ADCSOCFRC1.bit.SOC0 = 1; //Issue dummy conversion asm(" rpt #19 || nop"); //Wait for conversion to propagate AdcRegs.SOCPRICTL.bit.SOCPRIORITY = 1; //Change Priority Control to reset AdcRegs.SOCPRICTL.bit.SOCPRIORITY = 0; //round robin pointer EDIS;
Memory: Prefetching Beyond Valid Memory
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


The C28x CPU prefetches instructions beyond those currently active in its pipeline. If the prefetch occurs past the end of valid memory, then the CPU may receive an invalid opcode.


The prefetch queue is 8 x16 words in depth. Therefore, code should not come within 8 words of the end of valid memory. This restriction applies to all memory regions and all memory types (flash, OTP, SARAM) on the device. Prefetching across the boundary between two valid memory blocks is all right.

Example 1: M1 ends at address 0x7FF and is not followed by another memory block. Code in M1 should be stored no farther than address 0x7F7. Addresses 0x7F8-0x7FF should not be used for code.

Example 2: M0 ends at address 0x3FF and valid memory (M1) follows it. Code in M0 can be stored up to and including address 0x3FF. Code can also cross into M1 up to and including address 0x7F7.

GPIO: GPIO Qualification
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


If a GPIO pin is configured for "n" SYSCLKOUT cycle qualification period
(where 1 ≤ n ≤ 510) with "m" qualification samples (m = 3 or 6), it is possible that an input pulse of [n * m – (n – 1)] width may get qualified (instead of n * m). This depends upon the alignment of the asynchronous GPIO input signal with respect to the phase of the internal prescaled clock, and hence, is not deterministic. The probability of this kind of wrong qualification occurring is "1/n".

Worst-case example:

If n = 510, m = 6, a GPIO input width of (n * m) = 3060 SYSCLKOUT cycles is required to pass qualification. However, because of the issue described in this advisory, the minimum GPIO input width which may get qualified is [n * m – (n – 1)] = 3060 – 509 = 2551 SYSCLKOUT cycles.


None. Ensure a sufficient margin is in the design for input qualification.

Code Security Module: Memory Access Conflicts With Code Security Module (CSM) PWL Registers
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


Reads of addresses 0x3D 7FF8–0x3D 7FFF will activate the CSM, locking the device.


Do not read these addresses. If these addresses are read, causing the CSM to become active, the device can be unlocked either by first pulling reset or by setting the FORCESEC bit, and then performing the Password Match Flow described in the System Control chapter in the TMS320F2803x Piccolo Technical Reference Manual.


For TMS320F2803x devices, the PARTID register is located at 0x3D 7E80 (and not at 0x3D 7FFF, as on the TMS320F2802x devices).

eCAN: Abort Acknowledge Bit Not Set
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


After setting a Transmission Request Reset (TRR) register bit to abort a message, there are some rare instances where the TRRn and TRSn bits will clear without setting the Abort Acknowledge (AAn) bit. The transmission itself is correctly aborted, but no interrupt is asserted and there is no indication of a pending operation.

In order for this rare condition to occur, all of the following conditions must happen:

  1. The previous message was not successful, either because of lost arbitration or because no node on the bus was able to acknowledge it or because an error frame resulted from the transmission. The previous message need not be from the same mailbox in which a transmit abort is currently being attempted.
  2. The TRRn bit of the mailbox should be set in a CPU cycle immediately following the cycle in which the TRSn bit was set. The TRSn bit remaining set due to incompletion of transmission satisfies this condition as well; that is, the TRSn bit could have been set in the past, but the transmission remains incomplete.
  3. The TRRn bit must be set in the exact SYSCLKOUT cycle where the CAN module is in idle state for one cycle. The CAN module is said to be in idle state when it is not in the process of receiving/transmitting data.

If these conditions occur, then the TRRn and TRSn bits for the mailbox will clear tclr SYSCLKOUT cycles after the TRR bit is set where:

tclr = [(mailbox_number) * 2] + 3 SYSCLKOUT cycles

The TAn and AAn bits will not be set if this condition occurs. Normally, either the TA or AA bit sets after the TRR bit goes to zero.


When this problem occurs, the TRRn and TRSn bits will clear within tclr SYSCLKOUT cycles. To check for this condition, first disable the interrupts. Check the TRRn bit tclr SYSCLKOUT cycles after setting the TRRn bit to make sure it is still set. A set TRRn bit indicates that the problem did not occur.

If the TRRn bit is cleared, it could be because of the normal end of a message and the corresponding TAn or AAn bit is set. Check both the TAn and AAn bits. If either one of the bits is set, then the problem did not occur. If they are both zero, then the problem did occur. Handle the condition like the interrupt service routine would except that the AAn bit does not need clearing now.

If the TAn or AAn bit is set, then the normal interrupt routine will happen when the interrupt is re-enabled.

eCAN: Unexpected Cessation of Transmit Operation
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


In rare instances, the cessation of message transmission from the eCAN module has been observed (while the receive operation continues normally). This anomalous state may occur without any error frames on the bus.


The Time-out feature (MOTO) of the eCAN module may be employed to detect this condition. When this occurs, set and clear the CCR bit (using the CCE bit for verification) to remove the anomalous condition.

LIN: SCI Operation in Multi-Buffer Mode
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


When the LIN node is in SCI multi-buffer mode and if the buffer length is configured as less than 8, then the first set of data (that is, programmed number of bytes) is transmitted correctly but the transmission of the first byte of subsequent sets of data is corrupted. The TX EMPTY flag gets set at the start of the STOP bit transmission instead of at the end of the STOP bit.

This issue is applicable only for buffered SCI mode and for buffer length less than 8 bytes.


When SCI Buffered mode is selected, always configure the buffer length to “8”.

LIN: Possible Data Corruption in Extended Frame Mode
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


In Extended Frame Mode, during Single Buffer Mode transmission, when the TX Buffer (TD0) is loaded with new data during the STOP bit transmission of the previous data byte, transmission of the next data byte will be corrupted (that is, start bit of the next data byte will be corrupted).

This issue is applicable only when the Extended Frame Mode is enabled and Single Buffer Mode transmission is selected. This problem will occur on both Master and Slave nodes.


In Extended Frame Mode, during Single Buffer Mode transmission, always wait for the TX_EMPTY flag before loading the TD0 buffer with the new data.

LIN: LIN Transmission is Affected if Previous Transmission was not Complete due to Bit Error (BE) During Checksum Field in Single Buffer Mode
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


In Single Buffer Mode transmission, if Bit Error occurs during the transmission of the checksum byte, then after the reception of next header, there will be an idle period of 10 Tbit times after the first data byte transmission. This results in the transmission of 1 byte less than the configured response length and also impacts the slave's No Response Error (NRE) count. This issue is applicable only during Single Buffer Mode transmission. This is applicable for both Master and Slave nodes.


Issue a software reset upon bit error.

LIN: TOA3WUP Gets Flagged When New Header is Received During Wait Time of 1.5 s
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


This issue occurs only when the Sleep feature is used in the application. When a LIN node transmits wake-up signals onto the LIN bus, it follows the sequence below:

  • Transmit first wake-up signal → Wait for TOAWUP flag to get set
  • Transmit second wake-up signal → Wait for TOAWUP flag to get set
  • Transmit third wake-up signal → Wait for TOAWUP flag to get set
  • Wait for 1.5 seconds and then set TOA3WUP flag, if no frame headers are received.

Due to this erratum, even if a valid header is received during the wait period of 1.5 seconds, the TOA3WUP flag gets set, triggering an interrupt. This is applicable for both Master and Slave nodes.


The TOA3WUP interrupt can be ignored by the application, if acceptable.

LIN: Frame Error (FE) During Checksum Byte Restarts Reception. A Frame Error is Flagged if a New Header is Received.
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


When a Frame Error (FE) occurs during checksum byte reception, then the next incoming header is treated as data and another FE will be flagged. The incoming header will be received correctly and the communication happens correctly. This is applicable for both Master and Slave nodes.


Criticality and software workaround applicability depend on the application response to the FE flag. Following are the possible scenarios:

  1. FE occurred during checksum byte reception followed by a No Response Error (NRE).
    Comment: If the application issues a software reset in the No Response Error Interrupt Service Routine (NRE ISR), it may result in the incoming header being lost. The application has to handle this situation in software.
  2. FE occurred during checksum byte reception followed by an NRE; and if the next header comes before the assigned slot (that is, before servicing FE and NRE), then another FE will occur.
    Comment: Application has to ignore the second FE.

There will not be any impact on the incoming header reception or communication.

LIN: When LIN Slave Adapts Itself to a Faster Incoming Header, No Response Error (NRE)/Time-out Might not get Flagged Within Expected Time Frame
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


No Response Error (NRE) should get flagged if the response reception is not completed within TFRAME_MAX time frame and time-out should get flagged if there is no bus activity for 4 seconds. However, when a LIN slave adapts itself to a faster incoming header, NRE/time-out might not get flagged in the expected time frame. This issue is applicable to SLAVE mode only and ADAPTIVE mode (ADAPT bit set) only.


Program BRSR register to a faster baud rate than the expected bus baud rate value.

LIN: LIN Rejects a Valid Byte Followed Upon After a False Start Bit
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


LIN rejects the first byte followed upon after a data byte with a false start bit. When a false start bit is received during Identifier or response data, then the next received byte will be rejected.


Following are the scenarios which can occur in this situation:

  1. False start bit occurs during the data byte reception.
    In this case, along with the existing byte, next data byte also will get rejected. A No Response Error (NRE) will occur in this case.
    Action: Issue a software reset in the No Response Error Interrupt Service Routine (NRE ISR).
  2. False start bit occurs during the checksum byte.
    In this case, the next valid start bit evaluation will happen on reception of a falling edge or on reception of an incoming synch break. The checksum byte will be rejected in this case and the CE flag may get set depending on the expected checksum byte. In either case, the next incoming header will be received correctly and the module re-synchronizes to the incoming header. An NRE will occur in this case.
    Action: Issue a software reset in the NRE ISR.
    Note: If the next header is received before servicing the NRE, then a Frame Error (FE) occurs (since the next sync break is treated as a checksum byte). This FE should be ignored by the software.
    The application has to ensure that all pending LIN interrupts are serviced before the reception of the next header.
  3. False start bit occurs during Identifier field.
    In this case, the incoming data byte will be treated as ID, and an ID parity error (PE) occurs.
    Action: Issue a software reset in the ID PE Interrupt Service Routine (ISR).

In all the above cases, the LIN module never misses an incoming header and always re-synchronizes to the incoming header.

LIN: Incomplete Synch Field Reception Results in Loss of Next Header
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


When the node is receiving the header and if the synch field reception is incomplete, then the next header will be missed. The node will flag an Inconsistent Synch Field Error (ISFE) when the next header is received and discard the header. Subsequent headers will be received correctly. So, overall, the node will miss one header after the faulty synch field reception. This issue is applicable for both MASTER and SLAVE mode (since the master node will receive the value on the bus during header transmission).


Master mode: Do a software reset before triggering the next header.

Slave mode: None.

LIN: When a Slave Receives a Wake-up Request With Length > 500 µs, it Does Not Transmit a Response to the First Header Following the Wake-up
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


After waking up, the slave either does not transmit a response or transmits a corrupted response.



LIN: Incomplete Frame Header Consisting of Only Sync Break Will Cause the Following Complete Header to be not Received by Slave
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


If the slave receives a header that is only a Sync Break (with no Sync Field), and the next incoming header is a complete header, then the slave gets stuck and is not able to receive the latest incoming header (and the receive buffer does not show the latest incoming header's ID). If the incomplete header consists of a Sync Break + Sync Field, then the next incoming header can be received with no error. The issue is when the incomplete header is a Sync Break only. A Sync Break alone may cause a Bit Error followed by Frame Error (as the node is receiving as well). And when the next ID is transmitted, an Inconsistent Synch Field Error (ISFE) will be seen and that ID ignored.


Master mode: Do a software reset before triggering the next header.

Slave mode: None.

Zero-Pin Oscillator: Modification to Oscillator Frequency Parameter
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


The zero-pin oscillator is now specified with the center frequency at a defined temperature and temperature coefficient to calculate the absolute frequency at any operational temperature. Customers will need to check their temperature profile to ensure the zero-pin oscillator meets their requirement.


If the frequency output does not meet a needed tolerance, software compensation can be used to achieve better than 1% frequency spread about 10 MHz at any temperature.

Watchdog: Incorrect Operation of CPU Watchdog When WDCLK Source is OSCCLKSRC2
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


When OSCCLKSRC2 is used as the clock source for CPU watchdog, the watchdog may fail to generate a device reset intermittently.


WDCLK should be sourced only from OSCCLKSRC1 (INTOSC1). The CPU may be sourced from OSCCLKSRC2 or OSCCLKSRC1 (INTOSC1).

Oscillator: CPU Clock Switching to INTOSC2 May Result in Missing Clock Condition After Reset
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


After at least two system resets (not including power-on reset), when the application code attempts to switch the CPU clock source to internal oscillator 2, a missing clock condition will occur, and the clock switching will fail under the following conditions:

  • X1 and X2 are unused (X1 is always tied low when unused).
  • GPIO38 (muxed with TCK and XCLKIN) is used as JTAG TCK pin only.
  • JTAG emulator is disconnected.

The missing clock condition will recover only after a power-on reset when the failure condition occurs.


Before switching the CPU clock source to INTOSC2 via the OSCCLKSRCSEL and OSCCLKSRC2SEL bits in the CLKCTL register, the user must toggle the XCLKINOFF and XTALOSCOFF bits in the CLKCTL register as illustrated in the below sequence:

CLKCTL |= 0x6000; // XCLKINOFF = 1, XTALOSCOFF = 1 CLKCTL &=~0x6000; // XCLKINOFF = 0, XTALOSCOFF = 0 CLKCTL |= 0x6000; // XCLKINOFF = 1, XTALOSCOFF = 1 CLKCTL &=~0x6000; // XCLKINOFF = 0, XTALOSCOFF = 0 CLKCTL |= 0x6000; // XCLKINOFF = 1, XTALOSCOFF = 1

Once the above procedure is executed, then the OSC2 selection switches can be configured.

If the JTAG emulator is connected, and GPIO38 (TCK) is toggling, then the above procedure is unnecessary, but will do no harm.

If no clock is applied to GPIO38, it is also recommended that a strong pullup resistor on GPIO38 be added to VDDIO.

eQEP: Missed First Index Event
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


If the first index event edge at the QEPI input occurs at any time from one system clock cycle before the corresponding QEPA/QEPB edge to two system clock cycles after the corresponding QEPA/QEP edge, then the eQEP module may miss this index event. This can result in the following behavior:

  • QPOSCNT will not be reset on the first index event if QEPCTL[PCRM] = 00b or 10b (position counter reset on an index event or position counter reset on the first index event).
  • The first index event marker flag (QEPSTS[FIMF]) will not be set.


Reliable operation is achieved by delaying the index signal such that the QEPI event edge occurs at least two system clock cycles after the corresponding QEPA/QEPB signal edge. For cases where the encoder may impart a negative delay (td) to the QEPI signal with respect to the corresponding QEPA/QEPB signal (that is, QEPI edge occurs before the corresponding QEPA/QEPB edge), the QEPI signal should be delayed by an amount greater than "td + 2*SYSCLKOUT".

eQEP: Position Counter Incorrectly Reset on Direction Change During Index
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


While using the PCRM = 0 configuration, if the direction change occurs when the index input is active, the position counter (QPOSCNT) could be reset erroneously, resulting in an unexpected change in the counter value. This could result in a change of up to ±4 counts from the expected value of the position counter and lead to unexpected subsequent setting of the error flags.

While using the PCRM = 0 configuration [that is, Position Counter Reset on Index Event (QEPCTL[PCRM] = 00)], if the index event occurs during the forward movement, then the position counter is reset to 0 on the next eQEP clock. If the index event occurs during the reverse movement, then the position counter is reset to the value in the QPOSMAX register on the next eQEP clock. The eQEP peripheral records the occurrence of the first index marker (QEPSTS[FIMF]) and direction on the first index event marker (QEPSTS[FIDF]) in QEPSTS registers. It also remembers the quadrature edge on the first index marker so that same relative quadrature transition is used for index event reset operation.

If the direction change occurs while the index pulse is active, the module would still continue to look for the relative quadrature transition for performing the position counter reset. This results in an unexpected change in the position counter value.


Do not use the PCRM = 0 configuration if the direction change could occur while the index is active and the resultant change of the position counter value could affect the application.

Other options for performing position counter reset, if appropriate for the application [such as Index Event Initialization (IEI)], do not have this issue.

eQEP: eQEP Inputs in GPIO Asynchronous Mode
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


If any of the eQEP input pins are configured for GPIO asynchronous input mode via the GPxQSELn registers, the eQEP module may not operate properly. For example, QPOSCNT may not reset or latch properly, and pulses on the input pins may be missed. This is because the eQEP peripheral assumes the presence of external synchronization to SYSCLKOUT on inputs to the module.

For proper operation of the eQEP module, input GPIO pins should be configured via the GPxQSELn registers for synchronous input mode (with or without qualification). This is the default state of the GPxQSEL registers at reset. All existing eQEP peripheral examples supplied by TI also configure the GPIO inputs for synchronous input mode.

The asynchronous mode should not be used for eQEP module input pins.


Configure GPIO inputs configured as eQEP pins for non-asynchronous mode (any GPxQSELn register option except “11b = Asynchronous”).

ePWM: An ePWM Glitch can Occur if a Trip Remains Active at the End of the Blanking Window
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


The blanking window is typically used to mask any PWM trip events during transitions which would be false trips to the system. If an ePWM trip event remains active for less than three ePWM clocks after the end of the blanking window cycles, there can be an undesired glitch at the ePWM output.

Figure 3 illustrates the time period which could result in an undesired ePWM output.

TMS320F28030 TMS320F28031 TMS320F28032 TMS320F28033 TMS320F28034 TMS320F28035 td_trip_event_prz412.gifFigure 3. Undesired Trip Event and Blanking Window Expiration

Figure 4 illustrates the two potential ePWM outputs possible if the trip event ends within 1 cycle before or 3 cycles after the blanking window closes.

TMS320F28030 TMS320F28031 TMS320F28032 TMS320F28033 TMS320F28034 TMS320F28035 td_outputs_prz412.gifFigure 4. Resulting Undesired ePWM Outputs Possible

Extend or reduce the blanking window to avoid any undesired trip action.

Boot ROM: Flash API [Flash_Erase( ) Function]
Revision(s) Affected

0, A


The Flash API (V1.00) in the device boot ROM contains a coding error in the Flash_Erase( ) function. This issue does not affect the flash erase operation. On an Erase failure, the function would fail and return error status as expected, but the error address field does not get updated correctly.



Boot-ROM: eCAN Boot Mode Not Available on TMX Samples
Revision(s) Affected



eCAN boot mode is not available in TMX samples. If OTP_KEY and OTP_BMODE are programmed with 0x55AA and 0x0007 respectively (boot from eCAN), the device will instead boot to flash.


None. This will be fixed in TMS silicon.