Sitara™ AM57x 处理器
本培训深入介绍 AM57x 处理器、对工业协议的器件支持以及开发工具和软件支持。
Introduction to the AM57x Sitara™ Processors Training Series
AM57x Sitara™ processors (8)
Introduction to the AM57x Sitara™ Processors Training Series
00:03:23Introducing the AM572x Development Kit for Sitara™ AM57x Processors
00:02:28Getting Started Out of the Box With the AM5728 EVM
00:04:41Enabling PCIe End Point (EP) Mode on Sitara™ AM57x using Processor SDK Linux
00:06:19在 AM5718/AM5728 IDK EVM 上启动 AM57x 工业开发套件 (IDK) LCD
00:06:33How to Use AM57x/DRA7x DFU Boot Mode with Linux Host
00:13:31Building and Running Inter-Processor Communication (IPC) Examples on the AM572x GP EVM
00:04:31Sitara AM57x 处理器上的 GC320(2D 图形加速器)简介
00:07:27Processor SDK for AM57x Sitara™ processors (5)
Programmable Real-Time Unit (PRU) for Sitara™ processors (2)
Tools for PRU development (2)
Sitara™ AM57x 处理器
AM57x Sitara™ processors (8)
Introduction to the AM57x Sitara™ Processors Training Series
00:03:23Introducing the AM572x Development Kit for Sitara™ AM57x Processors
00:02:28Getting Started Out of the Box With the AM5728 EVM
00:04:41Enabling PCIe End Point (EP) Mode on Sitara™ AM57x using Processor SDK Linux
00:06:19在 AM5718/AM5728 IDK EVM 上启动 AM57x 工业开发套件 (IDK) LCD
00:06:33How to Use AM57x/DRA7x DFU Boot Mode with Linux Host
00:13:31Building and Running Inter-Processor Communication (IPC) Examples on the AM572x GP EVM
00:04:31Sitara AM57x 处理器上的 GC320(2D 图形加速器)简介