利用直流/直流开关稳压器实现低噪声和低 EMI 性能
降低开关稳压器的 EMI 和噪声对工程师来说是一项挑战。由于 PCB 布局太混乱,系统可能不符合 CISPR 标准。因此,许多电源设计人员干脆转而使用线性稳压器,以此来避免令人头疼的减少发射问题。但由于效率较差,线性稳压器会出现潜在的散热问题,而这些问题可以通过使用开关稳压器来避免。如何做到两全其美?此培训系列和文档旨在说明工程师如何获得开关的出色效率,同时克服 EMI 和噪声难题。文中提供了 EMI 和噪声最佳实践的概念和实际示例,并提供了有关为汽车系统和噪声敏感型模拟电路供电的具体评论。熟悉用于监管传导和辐射 EMI 的各种标准可能会有所帮助。
Engineer It: Leverage TI’s online toolbox to tackle EMI before touching a soldering iron
Concepts of switching regulator EMI and noise mitigation (4)
EMI and noise mitigation techniques in practice (5)
Engineer It: How to achieve great EMI performance with a non-synchronous converter
00:10:43Layout tips for radiated EMI reduction in your designs
00:07:12DC/DC Converter Flexibility Enables Adding Noise Reduction Circuitry
00:05:08Reduce EMI and shrink solution size with Hot Rod packaging
00:05:03Understanding, Measuring, and Reducing Output Noise in DC/DC Switching Regulators
01:13:55Achieving low noise and high efficiency for noise-sensitive analog loads (1)
Low EMI and low noise DC/DC conversion in automotive applications (6)
Optimizing automotive DC/DC converter designs for EMI and thermals
00:45:16Identifying the Key Features of an Automotive DC/DC Converter
00:24:12Leveraging spread spectrum and slew rate control in automotive DC/DC converter designs
00:09:56How to design input EMI filters for an automotive DC/DC converter
00:11:29Pass CISPR 25 Class 5 without metallic shielding or common-mode choke
00:08:58Automotive EMI reduction techniques, applications, and solutions
00:48:42利用直流/直流开关稳压器实现低噪声和低 EMI 性能
Concepts of switching regulator EMI and noise mitigation (4)
EMI and noise mitigation techniques in practice (5)
Engineer It: How to achieve great EMI performance with a non-synchronous converter
00:10:43Layout tips for radiated EMI reduction in your designs
00:07:12DC/DC Converter Flexibility Enables Adding Noise Reduction Circuitry
00:05:08Reduce EMI and shrink solution size with Hot Rod packaging
00:05:03Understanding, Measuring, and Reducing Output Noise in DC/DC Switching Regulators
01:13:55Achieving low noise and high efficiency for noise-sensitive analog loads (1)
Low EMI and low noise DC/DC conversion in automotive applications (6)
Optimizing automotive DC/DC converter designs for EMI and thermals
00:45:16Identifying the Key Features of an Automotive DC/DC Converter
00:24:12Leveraging spread spectrum and slew rate control in automotive DC/DC converter designs
00:09:56How to design input EMI filters for an automotive DC/DC converter
00:11:29Pass CISPR 25 Class 5 without metallic shielding or common-mode choke
00:08:58Automotive EMI reduction techniques, applications, and solutions