



毫米波软件开发套件 (SDK)

发布日期: 14 六月 2022

MMWAVE_SDK v 32-bit installer and dependent tools/components for Windows Host

MD5 校验和
AWR1443 集成 MCU 和硬件加速器的单芯片 76GHz 至 81GHz 汽车雷达传感器 AWR1642 集成 DSP 和 MCU 的单芯片 76GHz 至 81GHz 汽车级雷达传感器 AWR1843 集成 DSP、MCU 和雷达加速器的单芯片 76GHz 至 81GHz 汽车雷达传感器 AWR1843AOP 集成封装天线、DSP 和 MCU 的单芯片 76GHz 至 81GHz 汽车雷达传感器 AWR6443 集成 MCU 和雷达加速器的单芯片 60GHz 至 64GHz 汽车雷达传感器 AWR6843 集成 DSP、MCU 和雷达加速器的单芯片 60GHz 至 64GHz 汽车雷达传感器 AWR6843AOP 集成封装天线、DSP 和 MCU 的单芯片 60GHz 至 64GHz 汽车雷达传感器
IWR1443 集成 MCU 和硬件加速器的 76GHz 至 81GHz 单芯片毫米波传感器 IWR1642 集成 DSP 和 MCU 的 76GHz 至 81GHz 单芯片毫米波传感器 IWR1843 集成 DSP、MCU 和雷达加速器的 76GHz 至 81GHz 单芯片工业雷达传感器 IWR6443 集成 MCU 和硬件加速器的 60GHz 至 64GHz 单芯片智能毫米波传感器 IWR6843 集成有处理功能的 60GHz 至 64GHz 单芯片智能毫米波传感器 IWR6843AOP 具有集成封装天线 (AoP) 的单芯片 60GHz 至 64GHz 智能毫米波传感器
AWR1443BOOST AWR1443 单芯片 76GHz 至 81GHz 汽车雷达传感器评估模块 AWR1642BOOST AWR1642 单芯片 76GHz 至 81GHz 汽车雷达传感器评估模块 AWR1843AOPEVM AWR1843AOP 单芯片 76-GHz 至 81-GHz 汽车雷达传感器评估模块 AWR1843BOOST AWR1843 单芯片 76GHz 至 81GHz 汽车雷达传感器评估模块 AWR6843ISK AWR6843 单芯片 60GHz 至 64GHz 汽车雷达传感器天线插件模块 IWR1443BOOST IWR1443 BoosterPack™ 单芯片 77GHz 毫米波传感器评估模块 IWR1642BOOST IWR1642 BoosterPack™ 单芯片 77GHz 毫米波传感器评估模块 IWR1843BOOST IWR1843 BoosterPack™ 单芯片 77GHz 毫米波传感器评估模块 IWR6843AOPEVM IWR6843AOP 单芯片 60GHz 封装天线 (AoP) 毫米波传感器评估模块 IWR6843ISK IWR6843 单芯片 60GHz 远距离天线毫米波传感器评估模块


DCA1000platform CLI Utility - Prebuilt/Docs/Sourcecode - located inside MMWAVE-STUDIO package

Software Manifest of Components inside MMWAVE_SDK


The mmWave SDK enables the development of millimeter wave (mmWave) radar applications using TI mmWave sensors (see list of supported Platform / Devices).The SDK provides foundational components which will facilitate end users to focus on their applications.In addition, it provides few demo applications which will serve as a guide for integrating the SDK into end - user mmWave application


  • I2C Driver: Added support for the sub address mechanism in I2C slave mode.
  • EDMA Driver:  ISR latency reduction using transfer completion code context passed to the transfer complete ISR.
  • Antenna spacing based correction factor for xyz estimation improvement.
  • New beta version DPUs/DPC to support compression/decompression: Objdetcmphwa DPC invoking rangeproccmp HWA, dopplerprocdcmp HWA and aoaprocdcmp HWA DPUs. C
  • Added support for antenna board variants (ISK, ODS, AOP) and corresponding antenna spacing factor.
  • Added low power APIs library as libsleep utils library and updated the xWR68xx demo to take CLI command inputs.
  • Enabled RTRIM programming feature for all Gen1 devices by providing a switchable macro. xWR68xx uses a DFP API to do the same and other Gen1 devices uses rtrim utils library to set and get RTRIM value.
  • Custom beta demo - xwr64xx_compression, to demonstrate compression/decompression of radar data cube, based on the existing xwr64xx demo.