SBAU412 November   2022 AFE7900 , AFE7903 , AFE7906 , AFE7920 , AFE7950


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. Introduction
  4. Prerequisites
  5. Typical Bare-Metal Design Flow
  6. Background
  7. AFE SPI IP Container Pinout
  8. TI AFE SPI IP Container
  9. Create Block Designs With TI AFE SPI IP
  10. Create New Platforms in Vitis
  11. Create New Application Projects in Vitis
  12. 10Build Application Projects
  13. 11Configure the AXI GPIO
    1. 11.1 Initializing the GPIO
    2. 11.2 Setting the Direction
    3. 11.3 Setting High or Low for Corresponding Bits
  14. 12Configure the AXI SPI
  15. 13Create Boot Images to Run on SD Card
  16. 14Set up and Power on Hardware
  17. 15Set up ZCU102 Board Interface for VADJ_FMC
  18. 16Debug Application Projects and Set up Vitis Serial Terminal
  19. 17Execute the Application

Create Boot Images to Run on SD Card

This section of steps is applicable only if there is a need to create a bootable SD Card. Skip these steps if not applicable.

To create a bootable SD Card with the active application, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the application name to open the drop-down menu and select Create Boot Image (see Figure 13-1).
    GUID-20220914-SS0I-B4LL-T3BT-R3PRKG3VLKTD-low.pngFigure 13-1 Creating Boot Image
  2. Select Zynq MP from the Architecture menu and select Import from existing BIF file option (see Figure 13-2).

    The Output path shows the file location of the BOOT.bin to be generated.

    GUID-20220914-SS0I-JTLC-CMJX-KDHSVQSQKJN8-low.pngFigure 13-2 Boot Image Input and Output Pathnames
  3. After reviewing the locations of the boot elf file, FPGA bit file, and application elf, click Create Image (see Figure 13-3).
    GUID-20220914-SS0I-LL4S-Q90K-TXQH86DNN5TQ-low.pngFigure 13-3 Boot Image Partitions

    The above step generates the BOOT.bin in the output path as selected in Figure 13-2.

  4. Copy BOOT.bin to a FAT16 or FAT32 formatted SD Card.
  5. To boot from SD Card, ensure the SW6 switch positions on the ZCU102 is as per Figure 13-4.
    GUID-20220914-SS0I-F29M-6QTX-D384G8ZTTVPM-low.pngFigure 13-4 SW6 Switch Positions
  6. With the above setting on SW6 and SD card inserted, ZCU102 can now directly boot with the application.