Vanteon Wireless Solutions

Electronic systems design and product development firm

Vanteon is a complete electronic systems design and engineering product development firm. Think of Vanteon as an extension of your technical in-house product development team -- we can design it, test it, and build it. Our adage “collaborate and communicate” enables us to deliver high level engineering and design services to our clients.

If maintaining existing product portfolios puts a strain on your new product development initiatives, Vanteon can help. Our sustaining engineering services allow you to focus on new product development growth, enabling your engineering teams to deliver new products into the marketplace on time, while maintaining the same internal staffing levels.

Arm ベースのプロセッサ
AM3351 Sitara プロセッサ: Arm Cortex-A8、1Gb イーサネット・ディスプレイ AM3352 Sitara プロセッサ: Arm Cortex-A8、1Gb イーサネット・ディスプレイ、CAN AM3354 Sitara プロセッサ: Arm Cortex-A8、3D グラフィックス、CAN AM3356 Sitara プロセッサ: Arm Cortex-A8、PRU-ICSS、CAN AM3357 Sitara プロセッサ: Arm Cortex-A8、EtherCAT、PRU-ICSS、CAN AM3358 Sitara プロセッサ: Arm Cortex-A8、3D グラフィックス、PRU-ICSS、CAN AM3358-EP Sitara プロセッサ: Arm Cortex-A8、3D、PRU-ICSS、HiRel、CAN AM3359 Sitara プロセッサ: Arm Cortex-A8、EtherCAT、3D、PRU-ICSS、CAN AMIC110 Sitara プロセッサ: Arm Cortex-A8、10 種類以上のイーサネット・プロトコル
  • 評価ボード
  • 北米
  • 99 Garnsey Road, Suite 200
  • Pittsford, New York, 14534
  • United States



VANWS-3P-VGATEWAY — vGATEWAY reference design from Vanteon Wireless Solutions based on AM335x

Vanteon Gateway™ is a modular bridging platform designed to translate between common wireless interfaces and protocols for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The Gateway™ platform utilizes the AM335x Sitara ARM-Cortex A8 processor and includes many standard wired and wireless communication (...)


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